@CommanderArgelo Have a look at EXE/freelancer.ini and you’ll find these entries. I think from memory some of them shouldn’t be messed with, but I think spacepop and basepop might work, I’ve definitely played with them in the past. Try changing basepop to one of these BELOW_NORMAL, NORMAL, ABOVE_NORMAL, same with spacepop
[Initial SP DLLs]
path = …\dlls\bin
DLL = Content.dll, GameSupport, HIGHEST
; required to operate gates and docks
; required to create ships in space
DLL = Content.dll, SpaceSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BaseSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, StoryLauncher, BELOW_NORMAL ;story/static missions
DLL = Content.dll, SpacePop, LOWEST ;populator
DLL = Content.dll, AISandbox, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, TestAutomation, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BasePop, LOWEST