some offsets were sitting in there in a folder
1.Turn off non-music sounds
SoundManager.dll+89B8 (function loads sounds once)
74 -> EB
2.Turn off combat chatter
01 -> 00
3.Turn off rendering of static debris(collisions are not affected)
74 -> EB
4.Thickness of F1 menu/Inventory Rectangle bars, make it more thick
Freelancer.exe+1A36B3(bot line)
Freelancer.exe+1A374A(right line)
Freelancer.exe+1A37B6(top line)
Freelancer.exe+1A383A(left line)
68 A6 9B 44 3B(0.002) -> 68 6F 12 0C 3C(0.008)
5.Icon size multiplier
Default is 0 float, can increase up to 0.03
6.Neural net icons will always flash
74 05 -> 90 90
7.Change color of clicked (toggled on) icons (00-FF 1 byte minimum/maximum value)
Freelancer.exe+15B22C RED
Freelancer.exe+15B231 GREEN
Freelancer.exe+15B236 BLUE
default color is yellow
8.Turn off rendering background universe
74 -> EB
9.BUGFIX for FLHook RequestSpaceScript
Server sided cutscenes crashes for client due to a bug
.thn files that you want to play must be in, /DATA folder with the name size of test001.thn
RemoteServer.dll+249B1 0x19F549B1
8B 36 8B 7D 38 8B C8 8B D1 C1 E9 02 ->
8B 36 BF 21 9A 30 06 FF D7 C1 E9 02
90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 ->
BF 71 9B 30 06 89 7D 38 8B C8 8B D1 C3 90 90