@Venemon Can’t stay away huh? Thanks for the contributions, I’ve added these to the crash offsets page.
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Visual EffectsHaving gone over this category list and checking offsets within each page against the json, we seem to be done! I added a few extras from Visibility, and need to comb recent activity in this thread to make sure there’s nothing new I’ve missed, but we’re nearly ready to do a category/accuracy pass and retire the old page I think!
I’m tracking issues with a few offsets here: https://github.com/TheStarport/StarportDocusaurus/issues/12 so if there’s any that need adjustment/investigation and it’s not a straightforward fix, please add to the issue
@Venemon I think with these adding an adjustment to the post with a disclaimer saying that these crash and recommending the alternative offset might be the way to go, as these addresses are potentially useful for additional reverse engineering!
I believe you’ll need to edit your save game (decrypt it with e.g. flcodec), search for MissionNum and change 41 to 42.
Hi, the no cd exe is included in the vanilla patch: https://the-starport.com/forums/topic/6250/how-to-get-vanilla-freelancer-running-in-2023-no-cd
@Groshyr It just adds external equipment to the types it tests; perhaps have a look at the original request (last paragraph of that post, plus most of the rest).
@Gold_Sear Sorry for the radio silence on this, I’ve been otherwise engaged! I’ve accepted your PR and fixed a few syntax issues with the merge. Hopefully will have some time this evening to make a push and finish off a few more sections.
It would be possible, but do not know when I would find time for it. For now I suggest you use Adoxa’s UTF to XML converter for it. It gives all the ALEs as XML files. There you can actually use Notepad++. And then convert them back to ALEs.
Your first two offsets seem off; I see them at D7A6F & D7ACC. May as well change the first one to EB 65, thus skipping the second.
ALE Editor 4.2 + Bugfix for Loops being not resetted when changing them in the Node Properties.
Crash Offsets
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Can't reach Level 24
No cd exe link!!!
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
ALE Editor Alpha 4.2 Release
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
ALE Editor Alpha 4.2 Release