Need help identifying FLServer errors
I’ve been getting some server errors that I’m having trouble tracking down. Mostly my rememberator doesn’t work like it should anymore…
I need help remember which utility can identify components when referred to by FLServer as for example,
WARNING: CExternalEquip Object (0xa1096c43) missing hardpoint [HPRunningLight09] for item (0xa703710d)Also, what does the following error indicate?
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Ai\BehaviorManager.cpp[206]: *** WARNING:IBehaviorManager: state graph not found in database!Please point me in the right direction
Ummm, also, how do I edit a post?
Hi there:
- Adoxa’s CRCTool is usually capable of resolving these hashes!
- State Graph not found usually means an
entry in npcships.ini has been assigned a state graph that isn’t defined! Vanilla state graphs are: NOTHING, PLAYER, FIGHTER, TRANSPORT, GUNBOAT and CRUISER. Unless you’ve added entries to state_graph.db, anything other than those will throw an error in the server console or FLSpew
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorreplied to robocop on last edited by
@robocop said in Need help identifying FLServer errors:
Ummm, also, how do I edit a post?
Also sorry about this, there’s a bug that’s shown up on the forum since the last update that means the controls are hidden (we’re fixing it soon!) You can still edit by going to the bottom right of your post and clicking, which should reveal the controls.
Thank you
CRCTool was the tool I was looking for.
Another question - flspew.txt is normally found at \Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Freelancer\FLSpew.txt
I don’t have that location on our Windows7 server. Is that file only generated by freelancer.exe and not flserver.exe?Or, is there another location? I’d like to see if flspew reports any errors on the server side.
You’re correct, FLServer doesn’t generate FLSpew in the same way, only the client does. You can log the Freelancer server console log by using the -l shortcut switch, but there unfortunately isn’t a way to get additional log data out of the server ala FLSpew.
Does this run outside of FLServer? In other words, FLServer can be running but by running the shortcut command with the -l switch would gen the file?
Where is the file saved? -
@ Robo, It’s a custom ship loadout. SlowsmallOrange is missing from HpRunningLight09 on some custom ship model i can’t identify. You still using FLAC? Because if so check your hasdb.ini once you’ve converted the hex to decimal and lookup the number. Covert with this :
IrateRedKite Administrators Historic Supporter Wiki Contributorreplied to robocop on last edited by
@robocop you’d need to restart the application with the shortcut switch. Usually it just outputs into the same folder as flserver.exe (typically
), but as far as I understand it is possible to specify a hard path. -
0xa1096c43 translates to 2701749315 which does not show up in the hash list.
Is it possible that’s caused by something a client is doing? -
Well, turns out I misread a ‘d’ to be a ‘9’
Oxa10d6c43 is the Eagle (ge_fighter6)
It occurs to me that HPRunningLight09 and 10 are the ones on the lower wing of the Eagle. Some guys run with the rear wing shot off in order to make a slightly smaller target.
That’s probably what’s causing the loadout error.Still trying to hunt down the State Graph error.
All the shiparch entries in npcshiparch.ini appear to be correct, no mispellings, and as near as I can tell, none are missing a state_graph assignment.
I’ll just have to keep an eye on it. -
Anyone remember where the configuration files for FLAC are kept? I added the -l switch to the command line in FLAC and now FLAC can’t start FLServer and the Configuration page won’t open up to allow me to undo the change. -
NM, found it in the registry. Hope it works.
Yeah, I couldn’t find what I needed in those files, I found the entry in the registry and after a reboot all is well.
Apparently FLAC can’t start FLServer with the -l switch applied. -
On the state graph errors in FLServer Console view…
I’ve checked all of the state_graphs in Missions/npcshiparch.ini as well as all of the missions npcshiparch files. They’re all correct to my eye.Any place else I should look?