Thanks for sharing, will test it out later.
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Which offsets from the 101 list are changed in your mod?
Since Act_Invulnerable is used in other places durring the story as well, you might encounter the bug further down the story, while this effect definitely isn’t there in Vanilla, so you may have caught an unforseen side-effect of some offset from the 101 list, or a plugin.
Do you use any plugins in your mod?
I’m also curious as to what causes this bug. This happens in vanilla too?
What happens if you remove the line Act_Invulnerable = PEscort1, true, false, 0.9 from the [Trigger] convoyapproach_init in m02.ini? -
Found it! It took me quite a while as usual, but now points 6 and 8 of my to do list are solved!
Here are the results:
Point 8 was solved a few posts above; this is in addition:#add vertical component to random spawn #Gold_Sear, 31 January 2025 File: content.dll C1F0B: 4C E4 14 C1 E9 07 EB 03 [ 0C C2 8B 7C C2 04 C1 E1 ]
Point 6 (the first one is just as illustration, already exists):
#distance from player position at spawn moment that an NPC patrol with arrival = cruise will fly to when spawned #M0tah #Gold_Sear, 18 January 2015 C4C01: 500f #min C4C06: 2000f #max |- #use spawn position instead of player position for arrival = cruise (allows to safely increase spawn distances) #Gold_Sear, 27 January 2025 File: content.dll C2011: 45 00 EB 02 [ 84 24 1C 0D ] C2022: 45 04 EB 02 [ 84 24 14 0D ] C2034: 45 08 EB 02 [ 84 24 18 0D ]
Sorry for the long break, I’ve updated the new limit breaking page with these offsets. I’m going to take a pass on the tags and categories today in an effort to make the page a bit more usable.
@josbyte Sorry for the delay getting these online! The wiki has now been updated with the new offsets.
@josbyte said in Crash Offsets:
0x001eea48 , this error happens on a Freelancer that uses the custom dll EquipmentModifications.dll. Exactly if you use total_projectiles_per_fire and time_between_multiple_projectiles keys on a missile weapon. If this weapon is firing a missile and you leave the system or go far enough for it to despawn before the missile explodes, the game crashes
I probably won’t add this one specifically. EquipmentModifications is being actively developed (and will soon be deprecated sompletely), so these offsets will probably not be consistent. The hook has been made for use with a specific mod, so you sort of use it at your own risk of crashing as well!
@josbyte Do you have the modules for these crashes? I’m looking to do a pass and update the offsets page as I’ve been a bit behind, but can’t add any of the latest few you’ve listed unless I know which DLL these crashes occurred in!
Good to hear! For Freelancer HDE I encountered a similar issue where my upscaled mission and news images looked bad in-game because they were saved as 24-bit TGA. At the time I worked around it by saving them as 32-bit TGA or dds instead. Now we finally have a proper solution.
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
NPC Shield wont go under 10%
Gold_Sear's To Do List
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Crash Offsets
Crash Offsets
Crash Offsets
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques