How do Countermeasures really work?
Freelancer’s anti-missile countermeasures don’t seem to work in the intuitive way their numerical stats suggest. I’m looking for help from someone who can decipher the actual technical implementation of CMs under the hood, and can tell me what’s actually going on.
More explanation below:Countermeasures have Effectiveness, Lifetime and Range stats. These are in the equipment .inis as the params diversion_pctg, lifetime and range respectively. However, the Effectiveness stat doesn’t actually seem like it’s making my CMs any more effective at getting rid of missiles. In fact, the primary difference that seems to change that is where I am positionally and distance-wise in comparison to the missile, not the Effectiveness stat itself.
Here’s what I’ve experienced about CMs over the past few years of making a mod:
- You can flare multiple missiles onto the same CM drop, or have successive CMs bait missiles that ignored previous drops, even previously successful drops that baited other missiles first. This makes me believe every missile rolls its own independent chance to be baited for each CM that’s dropped.
- There seems to be a diminishing return for CM effectiveness, because if the missile doesn’t get baited in the first 6 or so CMs, it seems very unlikely for them to ever get baited even if you drop another fifty after that.
- Positioning seems to make a large difference in CM effectiveness. If I’m 7KM away and facing head on, I’m reliably able to spoof missiles with just a few CM drops. If I’m at close range and running away in a dogfight, even ten CMs rarely gets the same missiles off my tail.
- Effectiveness % does not seem to have a significant impact on making CMs actually more effective. To test this out, I started using flares literally set to 100% Effectiveness - I still couldn’t see an improvement in how many missiles I was able to bait off!
This has led me to a pretty confused and frustrated point when it comes to trying to balance missiles and CMs. Again, I’d really appreciate the help of anyone capable of digging in to the actual code of the game and telling me the literal, exact hows and whys of what’s really going on with these interactions, because the numbers I’ve set and the stats the game is telling me don’t seem to add up to the gameplay at all.
I’m not sure if this is the result of some stuff just being broken under the hood, or in the opposite way, if perhaps there’s far more advanced missile seeker vs. countermeasure interactions going on underneath that were an attempt to simulate the depth of such interactions in the real-world - that would certainly explain why position and direction seems to be having such an impact, as that is a massive part of how to defeat air-to-air missiles in real life.In any case nobody I’ve talked to has known what’s going on with it so I imagine whatever’s happening, it’s unrealised by most of us. Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on this. I appreciate it!
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