Gold_Sear's To Do List
This is an updated version of my original to do list. I intend to regularly keep this list up-to-date, when an item has been resolved or new items are added (by me or others).
fixed by adoxa:Disable PlayerEnemyClamp. original
PlayerEnemyClamp determines how many enemies will attack the player (if the player is not the only enemy of the attacking NPCs). It has two ints, one for minimum and the other for maximum. But I want my NPCs to randomly select target, player or NPC. -
solved by foxUnit01 and Why485:state_graph.db. original
how it works -
fixed by me:Formation leader independent of escorts. original
A formation leader of a patrol of size >= 2 adapts his behavior to his escorts. For example he turns very slow in order for his escorts to remain in position, and he waits for his escorts (13DF88 in common.dll,which is unfortunately also used by a lot of other things – see Limit Breaking 101). Instead, the leader should operate independently of his escorts, just like the player does. The escorts can still catch up using thruster and formation speed catch up multiplier. -
solved by Venemon:Let Autopilot use thruster. original
Especially in formation, like NPCs do. -
Let Multiple Ship Patrol launch from base or jumphole/gate. original
This can’t be done because the escorts need to be created simultaneously with the leader - they can’t join formation at a later moment. -
solved by me original
content.dll, C4C01, 500f, min distance from player position at spawn moment that an NPC patrol with arrival = cruise will fly to when spawned ~Gold_Sear, M0tah content.dll, C4C06, 2000f, max distance from player position at spawn moment that an NPC patrol with arrival = cruise will fly to when spawned ~Gold_Sear, M0tah
This poses a problem when spawn range is big. Instead, it should be from the spawn position, not player position.
Let NPCs use cruise disruptors against engine kill. added by @Schmackbolzen on 2016/8/19
To prevent NPCs to always fire cruise disruptor when engine killed, it should only be done when over a certain speed (like thruster speed or custom speed). -
solved by me Fix NPC patrolling along the vertical axis. added by me on 2017/1/14
As it stands, patrols withbehavior = wander
behave weird if the patrol zone doesn’t intersect they=500
-plane. This is controlled by the variable
Content.dll v1.1 11811C 500f y coordinate patrols with behavior = wander will return to, unless patrol zone doesn’t intersect with that height, in which case strange behavior will occur (freezing at center, etc.)
which I deliberately kept out of the 101 list, since I want this issue fixed, i.e. I want the patrols to pick a random coordinate to fly to next, just as it is now, but in a sphere with a certain radius instead of a fixed patrol height. More details in my original post.
Fix Ship Shaking. original
Make a fleeer cruise all the way. added by me on 2017/7/5
Every 20 or so seconds, a fleeer will drop out of cruise and then about 3 seconds later engage cruise again, even when there are enemies. Of course, he should be cruising all the way. This behavior is also shown by tradep_trade_traders. -
Prevent formation leaders from standing still in cruise. added by me on 2017/7/5
This sometimes happens when e.g. a transport is fleeing from pirates but its escorts are engaging the pirates, when a formation enters an ‘important’ zone (such as damage, interference or spacedust), or even when just reaching the next section of the patrol path. -
Make traders cruise all the way to the destination. added by me on 2017/7/5
When a trader approaches a jump gate or base to about 3km, he will suddenly drop out of cruise and immediately engage cruise again. Of course, he should be cruising all the way to the destination.
I haven’t tested this thoroughly yet, but it looks like as if this happens when the convoy switches from goto to dock. Thus, a possible fix is to prevent the formation leader from checking the dock distance and instead either dock immediately or dock within dock acknowledge range.
Hint for solving it: ships will cruise all the way to a tradelane. -
Enable NPCs to (almost) instantly tractor in loot within range. added by me on 2024/2/4
It annoys me that when I destroy an NPC, some loot will drop, while if an NPC destroys another NPC no loot will drop. However, in order to get rid of this asymmetry, I will need to prevent the opportunity to linger around battles to tractor in loot.
As it stands, an NPC tractoring in loot must face the loot, stand still, and only then can tractor in the loot. In particular this means that NPCs can’t tractor in loot while fighting. Enabling NPCs to instantly tractor in loot (almost) solves the lingering issue. Moreover, it makes them more combat-effective, as the loot can consist of ammo and/or bots/batts. -
Find out exactly how countermeasures work. added by @Beagle on 2025/2/18
Regarding effectiveness, how many missiles can be baited, positioning and direction. See the original post for the details. -
Remove the Jumphole/Jumpgate Limit of 10. added by me on 2025/2/28
If any system has more than 10 jh/jg connections, it will crash in that system and the path files will no longer be auto-generated by FLServer.exe. @adoxa found a workaround and also mentioned a fix is possible. See this thread for further details.
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