Amount of NPCs at a bar
Hi guys,
Can anyone explain how to increase the number of NPCs at any bar?
Its definitely NOT character_density = in mbases.ini as this will not add NPCs so they sit/stand at every place in a bar.
We checked for example Buffalo base li01_12_base (it has 6 GF_NPCs ready at mbases.ini + 1 bartender) and according to its THN file for hardpoints (spawn places for NPCs) there is a LOT of those spawn points.
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mFloor1/01/A/Stand”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/02/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/02/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/02/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/02/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/03/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/03/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/03/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/03/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/04/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/04/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/04/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/04/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/05/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/05/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/05/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/05/D/SitLow”,entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/06/A/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/06/B/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/06/C/SitLow”,
entity_name = “Zg/NPC/mTable4/06/D/SitLow”,
But no matter what, there are ALWAYS only 3 generic NPCs + 1 bartender. They change their locations which just confirms that those locations are properly set for a spawn, but they are always ONLY 4 NPCs. You can change the character density how you like but it wont add the max amount of NPCs. IS it hardcoded somewhere?
The total number of NPCs depends on the number of NPCs registered in the base bar. There are only 7 of them in Buffalo, along with the bartender
npc = li0112_outcasts_001_m
npc = li0112_outcasts_002_fnpc = li0112_rogues_001_m
npc = li0112_rogues_002_m
npc = li0112_rogues_003_m
npc = li0112_rogues_004_m[GF_NPC]
nickname = li0112_outcasts_001_m
room = bar
nickname = bar
character_density = 7 -
@Livsi As I stated above, the character_density does NOT change the maximum number of NPCs at the bar. Just check in-game that while you have character_density = 7, you still have only 4 NPCs at the bar. So, something else is responsible for that.
@Livsi Ok my apologies, I was doing things for Rochester which is li01_13_base
But my question remains. I want to have even more NPCs, EVERY chair is to be used by NPC so they sit like 3 people at one table. It is already properly set in the script but if you set density to a value 8 or bigger it doesnt change anything.
Seems like its Maximum 1 NPC can sit at one table.
Only NPCs with index A are active in the script.
Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/A/SitLow -
It has been found out experimentally that the maximum density of NPCs in a bar can be 15+ bartender.
Additional NPCs will have to be added to the script yourself, not forgetting the approach markers and cameras that display the process of communicating with the NPC. -
@Livsi Wow, thats some useful info thanks!!
Do you have some tutorials for this? I would love to learn more but the only thing out there I “found” is the bar maker tool which does not explain what those “A” and "B"s and all those PCU and TCI and other camera entries do.
A/Stand - standing NPC
A/SitLow - sitting NPCthe player’s approach to the npc is P—> P2 (approximate distance 0.55)
P2/Stand…Main cameras…
AC2/Camera - the player’s approach and appeal to the NPC - (a look at the NPC)
PCO/Camera - the NPC’s response - (a look at the player)
ACOH/Camera - the NPC’s suggestion - (a look at the npc)
WFC/Camera - information output - (rumor, mission, etc.)
PCS/Camera - the answer/player’s refusal - (a glance at the player)
ACS/Camera - NPC’s suggestion to visit next time - (a glance at the NPC)
Card check:
PCU/Camera - the player takes out the card - (look at the player)
ACU/Camera - NPC checks the card - (a glance at the npc with the transition to ACS/Camera)
…Non-main cameras…
PC2/Camera - A two-person player camera??? Side view of both people. You should focus more on Irok than on NPCs.
TCI/Camera - It looks like this is the angle where Trent reaches into his pants pocket to get a credit card. We hardly see this angle.
ACOL/Camera - ???Move and turning the camera:
Equipment dealer
entity_name=“Camera_Track_2”Goods and ships dealers
entity_name=“Camera_Ship_Wide” or “Camera_wide”,Ship dealer (in a separate script)
Calculating the matrix:I do this with 2 programs. In HardCMP, I calculate the coordinates and angle of rotation of NPCs and cameras visually. Next, in the MatrixCalc program, I calculate their rotation angle matrix.
!!!Just keep in mind that the programs use different coordinate systems.HardCMP
Camera viewing direction - Z axis
Axis Y - up , down
Axis Z - left, rightMatrixCalc
RotX : - up, down
RotY: - left, rightProgram MatrixCalc
@CommanderArgelo Have a look at EXE/freelancer.ini and you’ll find these entries. I think from memory some of them shouldn’t be messed with, but I think spacepop and basepop might work, I’ve definitely played with them in the past. Try changing basepop to one of these BELOW_NORMAL, NORMAL, ABOVE_NORMAL, same with spacepop
[Initial SP DLLs]
path = …\dlls\bin
DLL = Content.dll, GameSupport, HIGHEST
; required to operate gates and docks
; required to create ships in space
DLL = Content.dll, SpaceSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BaseSupport, NORMALDLL = Content.dll, StoryLauncher, BELOW_NORMAL ;story/static missions
DLL = Content.dll, SpacePop, LOWEST ;populator
DLL = Content.dll, AISandbox, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, TestAutomation, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BasePop, LOWEST -
Disregard that, I don’t think basepop changes that at all, at least not from a quick test.
@CommanderArgelo Yeah, I thought it had worked in the past. I’ll have to test spacepop for ships in space when I get a chance, maybe I’m just getting old and mad lol.