Amount of NPCs at a bar
@Livsi As I stated above, the character_density does NOT change the maximum number of NPCs at the bar. Just check in-game that while you have character_density = 7, you still have only 4 NPCs at the bar. So, something else is responsible for that.
@Livsi Ok my apologies, I was doing things for Rochester which is li01_13_base
But my question remains. I want to have even more NPCs, EVERY chair is to be used by NPC so they sit like 3 people at one table. It is already properly set in the script but if you set density to a value 8 or bigger it doesnt change anything.
Seems like its Maximum 1 NPC can sit at one table.
Only NPCs with index A are active in the script.
Zg/NPC/mTable4/01/A/SitLow -
It has been found out experimentally that the maximum density of NPCs in a bar can be 15+ bartender.
Additional NPCs will have to be added to the script yourself, not forgetting the approach markers and cameras that display the process of communicating with the NPC. -
@Livsi Wow, thats some useful info thanks!!
Do you have some tutorials for this? I would love to learn more but the only thing out there I “found” is the bar maker tool which does not explain what those “A” and "B"s and all those PCU and TCI and other camera entries do.
A/Stand - standing NPC
A/SitLow - sitting NPCthe player’s approach to the npc is P—> P2 (approximate distance 0.55)
P2/Stand…Main cameras…
AC2/Camera - the player’s approach and appeal to the NPC - (a look at the NPC)
PCO/Camera - the NPC’s response - (a look at the player)
ACOH/Camera - the NPC’s suggestion - (a look at the npc)
WFC/Camera - information output - (rumor, mission, etc.)
PCS/Camera - the answer/player’s refusal - (a glance at the player)
ACS/Camera - NPC’s suggestion to visit next time - (a glance at the NPC)
Card check:
PCU/Camera - the player takes out the card - (look at the player)
ACU/Camera - NPC checks the card - (a glance at the npc with the transition to ACS/Camera)
…Non-main cameras…
PC2/Camera - A two-person player camera??? Side view of both people. You should focus more on Irok than on NPCs.
TCI/Camera - It looks like this is the angle where Trent reaches into his pants pocket to get a credit card. We hardly see this angle.
ACOL/Camera - ???Move and turning the camera:
Equipment dealer
entity_name=“Camera_Track_2”Goods and ships dealers
entity_name=“Camera_Ship_Wide” or “Camera_wide”,Ship dealer (in a separate script)
Calculating the matrix:I do this with 2 programs. In HardCMP, I calculate the coordinates and angle of rotation of NPCs and cameras visually. Next, in the MatrixCalc program, I calculate their rotation angle matrix.
!!!Just keep in mind that the programs use different coordinate systems.HardCMP
Camera viewing direction - Z axis
Axis Y - up , down
Axis Z - left, rightMatrixCalc
RotX : - up, down
RotY: - left, rightProgram MatrixCalc
@CommanderArgelo Have a look at EXE/freelancer.ini and you’ll find these entries. I think from memory some of them shouldn’t be messed with, but I think spacepop and basepop might work, I’ve definitely played with them in the past. Try changing basepop to one of these BELOW_NORMAL, NORMAL, ABOVE_NORMAL, same with spacepop
[Initial SP DLLs]
path = …\dlls\bin
DLL = Content.dll, GameSupport, HIGHEST
; required to operate gates and docks
; required to create ships in space
DLL = Content.dll, SpaceSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BaseSupport, NORMALDLL = Content.dll, StoryLauncher, BELOW_NORMAL ;story/static missions
DLL = Content.dll, SpacePop, LOWEST ;populator
DLL = Content.dll, AISandbox, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, TestAutomation, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BasePop, LOWEST -
Disregard that, I don’t think basepop changes that at all, at least not from a quick test.
@CommanderArgelo Yeah, I thought it had worked in the past. I’ll have to test spacepop for ships in space when I get a chance, maybe I’m just getting old and mad lol.