I really don’t know what’s going on here. Replacing extra.cmp with neb_turbo.cmp (ie. using turret model for shield), still resulted in reduction. Replacing neb_turbo.cmp with extra.cmp (ie. using shield model for turret) and not having any shield worked fine. That suggests it’s not the model. To verify that, used li_dreadnought.cmp instead of nebulon-b.cmp (and .sur), changing shield_link to use HpEngine01 (since the Dreadnought has no shield hps), reduction; same with using li_refraction_shield.3db instead of extra.cmp (since there is no extra.sur). Using li_elite.cmp (and .sur), no reduction (but a really big laser turret). Using li_dreadnought.cmp with li_elite.sur, no reduction. Okay, so maybe it’s the sur. After modifying SurDump to resize a sur (since FLModelTool did a poor job), reduction occurs after li_elite.sur is over 20 times its size. However, reducing li_dreadnought.sur has no effect on increasing the wireframe. … Okay, it appears the sur needs to have HpMount (for the shield_link). … After building a sur with Lancer’s tool, which does add HpMount, the wireframe is the right size. Bingo!