Of the mods I have Evolutions 1.30, flrebalance 3.55 (full) and Just For Fun v3 have a ship called “Raven”. The first and last are in the download archive; there’s 3.50 of flrebalance, which I think still has it.

@Timmy51m said in Crash Offsets:
Common.dll, version: 1.0.1223.11
That’s the original 1.0 DLL, most patches assume 1.1 (1.0.1254.11; JFLP will work with both, but most of my other stuff is 1.1 only).
Done with 1.12 (although I didn’t really test the player list, so I hope it works).
I believe you’ll need to edit your save game (decrypt it with e.g. flcodec), search for MissionNum and change 41 to 42.
@Groshyr It just adds external equipment to the types it tests; perhaps have a look at the original request (last paragraph of that post, plus most of the rest).
Your first two offsets seem off; I see them at D7A6F & D7ACC. May as well change the first one to EB 65, thus skipping the second.
I’ll add it to the list…
If the radius is under 200 (which applies to Detroit Munitions (
) and Rochester (space_port_dmg
)) the object is not shown in the contact list. Turns out this was something I found ages ago. -
Idk, I don’t do anything special. I use VC6, but find it hard to believe that would resolve the issue. If you could point me to your DLLs I could try on my system; point me to the source and if they build with VC6 I could try those.
Yeah, interesting, even with Console’s show option, Detroit Munitions still only shows up under 14k. Still investigating…
Here’s the source. No makefile or solution, I must have just built it straight from the command line:
cl /nologo /W3 /O2 /MD /EHsc *.cpp /Fexml2utf.exe
. I should integrate it with XMLUTF (via defines), but heaven knows when. -
14000 is “Range at which an object is no longer “unknown” as well as radar detection range for some solars such as Jump Holes.”
I think ESI is the “BSP” (Binary Space Partition?). -
In my (admittedly limited) test
generated the same file. The test was simply compile a file, wait a bit (I thought it might be the timestamp in the PE header), compile again and compare; I also touched the source file, but that was still the same.You should generate the XML files with the Timestamps (-t) option, otherwise the current time is used when creating the UTF.
- -o uses the current directory, not the source;
- source may be a directory to process all suitable XML files in it;
- -r to also process the subdirectories of above.
The audio in Freelancer is MP3 wrapped in WAV, you don’t need to convert it to PCM.
I believe you want
. -
Could you download
directly, rather than going throughdlt
? Don’t want to count that in my download stats (not that I’ve looked at them for a couple of years…).The recurse code is still present, so I could make it available. (It’s partially implemented now, try "All " (that’s A-l-l-space) as the name, but I won’t keep that, it’s a remnant of the GUI.)
Try this one (raw exe) - it’s console without MFC and registry (but still using MSVCRT & MSVCP60). Testing has been minimal, let’s see what more you want…
Fixed in 1.03 (I took the other approach and modified the copy).
@WatercoolerWarrior said in Vanilla Freelancer weapon stats patterns:
DB Browser for SQL Lite breaks data from the FLStat
to generate the database:>sqlite3 -init FLStat.sql sqlite> .save FLStat.db sqlite> .quit
Now DB Browser will load
. (Funnily enough it will export it, but still won’t import it.) -
Could you run it in a debugger (OllyDbg, x64dbg, WinDbg)? That would enable you get a call trace and (hopefully) find where in Freelancer it called the system.
Raven Ship
Crash Offsets
@Adoxa - Wheel Scroll plugin improvements
Can't reach Level 24
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Freelancer XML Project in Github Workflows
@Adoxa: Figuring out at what range do solars show up on Solar scanner tab.
@Adoxa - clienthook DLLs being picked up by Windows Defender and Antivirus software
@Adoxa: Figuring out at what range do solars show up on Solar scanner tab.
Freelancer XML Project in Github Workflows
@Adoxa: Figuring out at what range do solars show up on Solar scanner tab.
Freelancer XML Project in Github Workflows
Freelancer XML Project in Github Workflows
Help on Intro wav
Freelancer XML Project in Github Workflows
Freelancer XML Project in Github Workflows
@Adoxa : Bugfix for Territory.dll plugin
Vanilla Freelancer weapon stats patterns
Crash Offsets