this will be short and ill expand on it when i get back(School)
we dont need to make a mod,it would mainly cause chaos.
if you were gonna go with a video,
then ur gonna want advertisement
the big game sites(gamespot,ign blah blah)
they got forums etc u could easily post a announcement on, have a link to the videop or just rely upon the announcement alon and see what happens
angel of death
OPR, no offence but u dont seem interested in the idea,so dont bother posting here, other are however interested and are looking to get this to work. that will require a place for all to talk and discuss on equal ground,no advantages,no disadvantages
yes it will ned to be open as dragnite says, no point only having modders/admins talking,we need viws from all angles and areas of FL.
It should create a haven so to speak for all to contribute and work together,no matter the mod u work/play on etc etc -
We will need to ensure we agree all on one home. which is neutral and ensures that no group will have power over anyother group of admins/owners from the various servers.
the Starport is truely capable of this role if it wish’s to accept.Actions…First we need to see what communites/servers will take part in this, i hope most will see this as the correct way for FL, but there is always possibilities for some to wish to take there own way
a house is gurranteed to last a long time if built and its foundation strong.
All that is capable only if people want it to be. you can continue down on your own path,but in all reality, they were strong till that house failed.
Why not build another house which is more capable so reaching another high in FL’s long history.
Fear for the past will get us no where,
unless u enjoy struggling? -
Pride - Soil
good ol soil aye CoT
completly off topic arnt ya CoT.
anyway for those which my post made no sense to, we connect the communites of FL together under one united banner, so that FL, can strive far longer then what it will now -
you can divise all your mods, all your instructions in how to getting into MP, but its useless in the long run.
Advertisement can get you freshblood, which is great.but only if you can keep it.At the moment, and deadly serious, the FL community is seperating into little groups, some go with mod 1,others with mod 2 etc etc.
Fl’s community is where we need to concentrate. Have a great community,which sticks together and communicates effectively between the mods will be much more appealing to new freshblood, Atm it looks like a mess, little huddles fighting for survival, why join that?
We need to reunite the different communities under one banner before we try anything effectively.(Not the way i wished to end my retirement but err,blame it on CoT)
Hi and welcome to The Starport
enjoy ur stay here and i hope the good community continues for you. -
Nice to see you turn up here Grim
Yes it is a ncie design
they did a really good job with it.
Welcome to the starport,i hope u enjoy it here and find wat u seek with the help of friendly members and staff -
pretty good jobs there,nice work for the newbie to the area ;D
it had been coming for a while now,kinda a shame it will possibly end like it is
title says it all,sorry for the delay,was a little slow in reading the message,here now and ready to help.
btw site looks nice,great job
I got an idea keeping this game alive
I got an idea keeping this game alive
I got an idea keeping this game alive
I got an idea keeping this game alive
I got an idea keeping this game alive
The Great What Are You Listening to Thread ;D
I got an idea keeping this game alive
I got an idea keeping this game alive
Hi there
Enter the Grim Reaper
Rly good design
I recently started using Photoshop;
An Angry Webmaster
About time i showed up