Hello guys,
today I registered to this website. But before I watched different topics and I have to say wonderful. I love what people can make from freelancer for expample new effects or the plugin solution and all other things.
I want to start with FL development. Years ago I was able to make mods and I think they were okay but today it would be very hard because my modding knowledge are bad at the moment. I only able to make programms in C/C++, C#, Java and a bit in F#.
My target is to make a mod which runs on my LAN Server. Mostly I want to be able to work on effects. I saw very beautiful solutions in the Effectshowroom which makes the Freelancer Universe fantastic and I’d like to learn that. But I have no reference how I could learn that. Perhaps you can help me where I get tutorials to make effects? 
The other case is I want to write plugins for Freelancer. But I have no idea what I could change at all. Are there things which are impossible to do? I had some good ideas for plugins I think and I like to realize them 
So I hope my text is understandable because I’m german and my English isn’t very well. but I think in some time my English would become better 