Yes Bas that’s a good address [email protected] for msn and email too…
A wealth of information and file knowledge.
In other words I know what most programs, utilities, tools and other miscellaneous goodies are if you don’t know or the file don’t have a description.That’s a fact jack, since I posted all the modding files originally.
I’m not an expert by any means but I can answer modding questions and maybe point you in the right direction if you’re looking for something, like that tool you’ve been looking for.
I have just about everything imaginable for modding Freelancer.
The forums here on The Starport or Lancers Reactor - Windows Live Messenger: [email protected]
One day you’ll have kids, don’t be surprised if they turn out to look and act just like me.
bp -
Thanks Richard
I haven’t tried to connect to a multiplayer server since Torch dragged me over to the Jolt server awhile back. At that time I couldn’t connect running Vista and after some painful checking it turned out to be the antivirus software.
I found that AVG, whatever version it was at that time, allowed me to connect to the multiplayer servers but it looks like if I decide to play again I’m going to have to go through the process of finding antivirus software that don’t conflict with connecting to multiplayer servers again.So thanks for the reply about anvir and bit defender working.
The plan is to get Lancers Reactor back up and running as it was back when I was running the show. In other words a great community with no conflicts between members and tons of content…
We now have an offer to host the site that would be hard to refuse. A virtual network where the site would be hosted by servers in data centers around the world.
If and when this happens we plan to expand Lancers Reactor into a gaming portal and most likely have an official TLR Freelancer Server up and running along with a Teamspeak server and other goodies…
There’s really no limit to what we will be able to do because we have been offered unlimited everything, meaning bandwidth, memory, harddrive space, etc…
So the future of the community looks like we’ll be in great shape…
One day you’ll have kids, don’t be surprised if they turn out to look and act just like me.
bp -
For some reason with Vista most antivirus software prevent connecting to multiplayer servers, how and why I haven’t found an explination for this.
The only two antivirus programs that seem too work with Vista and don’t interfere with connecting to multiplayer servers that I know of are AVG and Avira AntiVir.
Fortunately both have free versions and work well with Vista. -
Hello Nieckey!
It’s been a long time since I’ve had the pleasure of talking to you.
Some members have kept the same nickname and others have different names so I don’t know who’s who anymore.I don’t remember much information about the ALE files in discussions on the forums other than they are video files?
For changing weapon visual effects in the ini files, they are in the FX folder but you probably already know that so I’m wondering what the ALE files have to do with that.
I don’t remember if someone figured out how to add more than three ships at one ship dealer, maybe it has been done, but I just can’t remember.
But I do remember that Chips figured out how to have more than one docking ring per planet with a ship dealer at the second dock selling ships, so in theory you could have six ships available per planet. This was a feature in the Evolutions mod.
What I do remember was that “when I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not”.
Your friend till the end
bp -
Yo! Mr Ed, isn’t the horse facing the wrong way?
Mine - as in the attribute of ownership to someone or something… as in, “all your girlfriend she belong to me now”…
Don’t know about writing some good utilities…
We don’t need no stinkin utilities Â
How about a good mod instead,
This mod is Singleplayer and Multiplayer compatible, in other words it works in both…
It includes some great work from some really talented people…- Upgradeable armor and generators - script by IronSceptre.
- All ships can mount level 10 weapons and a lot of other tweaks by IronSceptre.
- Advanced Battleship Encounters - script by Crabtree.
- Freelancer War on Nomads - script by vamp679.
- Spinning Planets - script concept by warzog and Bob McDob - tweaked by Crabtree.
- Mars Flier…Model by Harrier, custom weapons and sounds by Glock36, setup and script by Crabtree.
*** And the Freelancer SDK v1.3 by Louva-Deus.
The SDK files are included in the MOD so there’s no need to install the SDK after a clean install of Freelancer.
***And don’t forget to move or delete any previous saved games before you begin a new game as this MOD will probably not be compatible with your saved games as they may cause a conflict and cause Freelancer to crash. - All the original Freelancer ships are available for sale. Most in places that you can reach during the storyline.
- The only custom ship is the Mars Flier, available for sale at Planet Pittsburgh.
***All NPC encounters have been enhanced. You will see ships that you don’t normally see flying around like the armored transport. - There will be more encounters with all faction types and capital ship and nomad encounters in most locations but 5 of the systems are heavily loaded with NPC encounters as well, up to 32 NPC’s will appear too kick your butt.
- NPC’s shields regenerate.
- Nanobots and Shield Batteries are only $10 credits…because your going to need them, Cupcake!
- Cruise speed is 2500, fast enough so that the sparks will set your pants on fire, so if you’re going through the storyline make sure you don’t get to far ahead of the NPC’s or the mission will fail.
- Lots of cool new visual weapon effects.
- 15 special guns are available for sale, 5 on Manhattan and 5 at each of the Freeport Stations.
- The Advanced Thruster when equipped has 5x more thrust so it goes like lickety split.
*** See the Equipment dealer on Planet Manhattan, he has some Special Equipment that Trent made or altered so you can get a Cannonball or Firestalker Missile and that special turret you’ve always liked and the elusive star killer torpedo launcher…ammo capacity has been enhanced also.
*** And there’s a lot more surprises for you to explore and find.
What-chu mean “this thread sucks now”
Just remember one thing…
All your girlfriends, belong to me now… mine, mine, mine…Muahahahaha
Freelancer screensaver in a self installing exe file, just run the file or double click on freelancerscreensaver.exe to bring up the installation screen, it should even put a freelancer screensaver icon on your desktop.
File size is 40.48 MB because there’s about 100 screenshots, some of them from mods and a lot of the original soundtracks from the game.
This is a direct download link, I think ::) I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not.
Your friend till the end!
bp -
Hello to everyone here at the Starport…
Some of the community may remember me from Lancers Reactor.
It’s nice to see that the Freelancer community is still going strong. There are a lot of quality characters in this community.
I’m glad to be back and hope to hear from you soon.When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not.
Your friend till the end.
bp -
Howdy bulldog!
It’s been a long time. I’m glad that I am able to be back. I made a lot of quality friends in the Freelancer community.
Modding Teachers & Tutors
Modding Teachers & Tutors
HELP Vista
HELP Vista
Why my effects keep crash?
More than 3 ships at the Ship dealer
The Offical "Its mine thread"
The Offical "Its mine thread"
The Offical "Its mine thread"
Hello from bakedpotato
Hey guys/gals