Why485, that is EXACTLY what is happening…… i recently got 3ds max 9 and it says that the UVW information is missing from the Lightwave files…
Now i have a NEW problem >.<
_To fix this, i have to know how to:
-Fix the UVW of the lightwave-editted models (in lightwave preferably, or in milkshape, or in 3ds max…… any one, really)
-Figure out how to export 3ds max 9 models into milkshape. (this entails rebuilding all the models, which isnt THAT big a problem, I would be willing to do this if it would work out in the end)
What do other modders use to make freelancer models? what programs and plugins?
I cant use gmax for some reason (stupid vista), but I CAN use milkshape, and 3ds max so far, havent tried any others._