Thanks ST, that’s the ticket! Should keep me ‘entertained’ for a bit
Who’d have thought changing a tiny picture would take so much effort?
Thanks for that, I have used your info to have a bash at it and have sort of succeeded. I actually needed the bit before this, where you create the .tga file.
Anyway, I had in one of the ship downloads a .tga file which I opened with Paintshop Pro Photo X2. I then cloned the background to hide the ship model and saved that as Icon_Background.tga.
Then I drew a smiley face on it, flipped it vertically and saved that as Icontest.tga and proceeded with your instructions.
It sort of works but it appears as if rotated slightly to the left and the colours are not right (only one used).
Any thoughts? -
Well my mod is coming on nicely. I’ve several new systems, weapons and commodities. I’ve even managed to add a new faction and I’m even succeeding with patrols! What I am stuck on though is icons. I had a look at creating ships and downloaded Milkshape and Gmax (gmax not from the original host for it as it’s full of malware) but at the moment that’s beyond my capability, something I will come back to later.
So, to add new ships I’ve downloaded some very nice models from various places and have placed some in the mod complete with their hardpoints and all are working correctly. The only problem is that some of the models didn’t come with a .3db file and I have no idea, and cannot seem to find (other than a broken link), where to start in creating one.
Any pointers much appreciated. -
I voted FL2, nomads gone. So, they’re gone and years have passed. Things have got very quiet and the security forces have gotten sloppy. This has allowed an outcast or corsair incursion into Liberty space led by some elite general type who needs to be taken out, possibly with the help of the other faction as they both dislike each other. The Order too could help by supplying the Liberty forces with upgraded weaponry etc. put together from the nomad tech recovered in the battles of years ago etc. etc.
I think it was the nickname. Without using FLE I’d placed an asteroid field around NY’s sun and a base in it which was a copy of the Junkers’ Rochester base with some changes to commodities, equipment and a different ship. With this all seemingly working correctly I put those modifications into a folder and started using FLE to continue the mod, adding 4 systems with several bases, planets and fields. Then set about getting the Starblazer to work, getting the LSF able to fly ships and tweeking some items’ stats like getting slightly more speed from an advanced thruster.
What I had done though was copy the mbase entry for Rochester to my new li01_16 base, remembered to change the ids_names for everyone but forgot to change the li0113 bit to li0116 in the nickname.
Anyway, after finding this, I used FLE to change the properties of the base and copied the original NPCs over from Rochester, knowing FLE would change the nickname to suit and then changed the ids_name number to my own. Job done.
Such a small thing to give such a large headache! -
Dear robocop,
I am clearly a muppet hehe! I have found the fault. I started by removing my four added systems completely to a seperate folder, leaving me with vanilla + two added bases. The second of these bases was not showing its NPCs but the first was. Now, after hours of trying this, that and the other I thought I’d take a look at the first base. Although my first base was working correctly, there was an error in the coding. With this corrected my second base is fixed and I’ve re-added my four systems. I’ve not checked all bases yet, but so far four of them are working correctly.
Just goes to show that even if something is working as you expect, its incorrect coding can have torturous effects on other things that are coded correctly. Thanks again for the input, it certainly helped me rule things out.Bert.
Still no joy. I found a post on the subject saying their fix was found in universe.ini but I’ve been right through that and seen nothing untoward.
My next guess is to use FLE to overwrite all my bases’ characters with copies of similar vanilla bases to see if one of them is causing the problem.
If that fails I’ll remove the iw07 system completely from my mod and redo it from scratch.
Cheers for the pointers, I’ll let you know if I sort it or if I smash my FL disc to pieces! -
Tried it, no joy. Just been round checking all the bases I’ve added with FLE and none of them are allowing the NPCs to appear, other than the bartender and dealers!
The one base I added manually in NY is showing its NPCs, a copy/paste of Rochester Base with the names of the characters, commodity prices, ships etc. changed.
What does FL look at before placing NPCs in the bars? Could this be missing from somewhere and if so where do I look? -
I have the exact same problem :(( and I’ve found several posts on the subject but none with the definitive fix. Anyone know the exact cause?
nickname = IW07_02_Base
local_faction = co_hsp_grp
diff = 1
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_base_IW07_02_Base[MVendor]
num_offers = 2, 4[BaseFaction]
faction = co_hsp_grp
weight = 100
npc = iw0702_001_m
npc = iw0702_002_m
npc = iw0702_003_m[GF_NPC]
nickname = iw0702_001_m
body = br_shipdealer_body
head = li_captain_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 458873
affiliation = co_hsp_grp
voice = rvp131
room = bar
bribe = co_hsp_grp, 10000, 16101[GF_NPC]
nickname = iw0702_002_m
body = br_shipdealer_body
head = rh_captain_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 458874
affiliation = co_hsp_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
bribe = co_hsp_grp, 10000, 16101[GF_NPC]
nickname = iw0702_003_m
body = br_shipdealer_body
head = rh_hassler_head
lefthand = benchmark_male_hand_left
righthand = benchmark_male_hand_right
individual_name = 458875
affiliation = co_hsp_grp
voice = rvp101
room = bar
bribe = co_hsp_grp, 10000, 16101[GF_NPC]
nickname = iw0702_fix_bartender
base_appr = robot_body_c
individual_name = 458856
affiliation = co_hsp_grp
voice = rvp003
bribe = co_hsp_grp, 10000, 16100
bribe = co_rs_grp, 10000, 16100[GF_NPC]
nickname = iw0702_fix_trader
base_appr = robot_body_a
individual_name = 458861
affiliation = co_hsp_grp
voice = rvp003[GF_NPC]
nickname = iw0702_fix_weaponsdealer
base_appr = robot_body_e
individual_name = 458868
affiliation = co_hsp_grp
voice = rvp003[MRoom]
nickname = bar
character_density = 3
fixture = iw0702_fix_bartender, Zs/NPC/Bartender/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_host_fidget.thn, bartender[MRoom]
nickname = Deck
character_density = 2
fixture = iw0702_fix_trader, Zs/NPC/Trader/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_commtrader_fidget.thn, trader
fixture = iw0702_fix_weaponsdealer, Zs/NPC/Equipment/01/A/Stand, scripts\vendors\li_equipdealer_fidget.thn, EquipmentThe base faction matches that in the universe.ini file. Properly stumped again on this one heh
Cheers, that pointed me in the right direction although the bpatch link does not work anymore and when I see anything other than plain english I panic lol, so the patch is not applied.
However, I did have 11 jumps out of NY so I moved a jumphole I’d placed in NY to California and now it doesn’t crash anymore.
The ten jumps rule I wasn’t aware of, like so so much tbh, I’m learning something new every day. Like the other day when using FLExplorer, I hit enter before selecting my mod and FLE referenced someone else’s mod I’d used a couple of years ago that was lurking in Virtual Store. That then messed up heaps of stuff and took me two whole weeks to find the problem heh. All fun eh? -
Hi all,
Got a problem with waypoints that I cannot seem to fix and I’m hoping it is something simple.
I created a new system linked to NY by jump gates. I can travel between the systems no problem until waypoints come into play.
1. If I set a course to NY from my system (and vice versa) the game instantly crashes.
2. If I’m in my system when Juni calls for me in SP, the game sets the waypoints out of my system but none show on the navmap in NY. In this situation, I can undock and travel to the gate but as soon as I reach halfway thru the warp tunnel the game crashes.
I’m assuming there’s a break in the waypoint routing which is causing the trouble but in my systems_shortest_path.ini and shortest_legal_path.ini I have the following:Path = Li01, LI06, Li01, LI06
Path = LI06, Li01, LI06, Li01So, is there somewhere else I need to add something?
Any help much appreciated. -
First off, let me thank you for all your time and effort on this, it’s much appreciated.
I can’t recall for certain which cloud I copied unfortunately, but the one in use is a renamed copy with the exclusion zone listed. I’m nowhere near confident or knowledgeable to create items on my own yet heh! Best to copy items I know are working, then adjust them slightly.
I’m glad you’re getting the same result, means I’ll stop playing around with this one too much and move on to furthering my knowledge and adding more stuff.
Cheers, B. -
@Moonhead, I thought about changing the position too, no joy still. The exclusion is visible, no clouds or asteroids in the sphere, only the dynamic ones.
@ Skotty, That didn’t help either I’m afraid.
@CK, here’s the system file as requested. I’ve placed the new parts near the top of the file near where the sun object is.
This is the exclusion entry in the system.ini
nickname = zone_Li02_Station_Li02_07_exclusion
pos = 36600, 100, -57600
shape = SPHERE
size = 3000
property_flags = 196608
property_fog_color = 10, 7, 30
visit = 128
edge_fraction = 0.500000
sort = 99
toughness = 6
density = 9
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 6
pop_type = fc_ou_grp, single_base_unlaw
relief_time = 20
density_restriction = 4, lawfuls
encounter = area_bh_defend, 6, 0.130000gd_bh_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_defend, 6, 0.220000
faction = fc_ou_grp, 1.000000I did have this in the system.ini but I’ve changed a couple of settings to match your sample, the lower part is a copy of the Willard Research Base exclusion only with the faction changed and difficulty level upped a tad.
I was hoping I’d done something wrong and couldn’t see the wood for the trees, but I’ll keep plugging at it.
I have been using the mod studio, makes it so much easier to place items in exactly the right place. -
Cheers buddy, as requested here’s the info…
nickname = Li02_07
ids_name = 260752
pos = 36600, 100, -57600
archetype = depot
ids_info = 65633
base = Li02_07_Base
dock_with = Li02_07_Base
reputation = fc_ou_grp
behavior = NOTHING
voice = atc_leg_f01
space_costume = sh_female1_head_gen, sh_female1_body, prop_mask_outcast_fem
difficulty_level = 6
loadout = depot_pi_02
pilot = pilot_solar_mediumNebula:
file = solar\nebula\generic_shapes.ini[Fog]
fog_enabled = 1
near = 0
distance = 12000
color = 120, 50, 200[properties]
flag = nebula[Exclusion Zones]
exclusion = zone_Li02_Station_Li02_07_exclusion
fog_far = 6000
zone_shell = solar\nebula\plain_inner_sphere.3db
shell_scalar = 1.000000
max_alpha = 0.500000
exclusion_tint = 180, 105, 255[Exterior]
shape = generic_exterior1
shape = generic_exterior2
shape = generic_exterior3
shape = generic_exterior4
shape_weights = 1, 1, 1, 1
fill_shape = nebula_circle2
plane_slices = 2
bit_radius = 10000
bit_radius_random_variation = 0.400000
min_bits = 3
max_bits = 10
move_bit_percent = 0.500000
equator_bias = 0.500000
color = 180, 140, 220[NebulaLight]
ambient = 40, 60, 120
sun_burnthrough_intensity = 1
sun_burnthrough_scaler = 1.750000[Clouds]
max_distance = 600
puff_count = 20
puff_radius = 150
puff_colora = 255, 50, 120
puff_colorb = 255, 100, 160
puff_max_alpha = 0.700000
puff_shape = generic_cloud1
puff_shape = generic_cloud2
puff_shape = generic_cloud3
puff_shape = generic_cloud4
puff_weights = 1, 1, 1, 1
puff_drift = 1.000000
near_fade_distance = 125, 200
lightning_intensity = 1.000000
lightning_color = 65, 25, 85
lightning_gap = 17.000000
lightning_duration = 0.600000[BackgroundLightning]
duration = 0.650000
gap = 4.000000
color = 50, 60, 80solararch entry:
nickname = depot
ids_name = 261161
ids_info = 66150
type = STATION
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\depot_lod.cmp
material_library = solar\Solar_mat_dockable02.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 800, 1200, 2000, 15000
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = depot
open_sound = depot_open_sound
close_sound = depot_close_sound
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountA, 4.500000, Sc_port dock open
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountB, 4.500000, Sc_starboard dock open
docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountC, 5.000000
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountD, 5.000000
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountE, 5.000000
docking_camera = 0
solar_radius = 600
shape_name = NAV_depot
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000Just tried the LODranges, no change with that. Hope you spot the fault easily!
I’m very new to this modding lark, but with the help of this forum I’m doing a lot better than I thought I would be. However, I’m completely stuck on this one, so hope you have the fix for me.
I added a base in California which works fine. Then I added a nebula to hide it further in the asteroid field. Problem is, when I undock the station was invisible so I tried changing various values, then returning them to as they were when that didn’t work, until I found that changing the fog distance to 12000 made it appear. However, it’s only visible below 36m. After that it changes to “silhouette” mode.
What do I need to change so it’s visible from 2k at least? And the fog distance at 12k seems like I’m finding the wrong way around the problem??
Cheers in advance, B
How do you make icons?
How do you make icons?
How do you make icons?
New storyline?
No NPC's in the Bar- Fixed
No NPC's in the Bar- Fixed
No NPC's in the Bar- Fixed
No NPC's in the Bar- Fixed
No NPC's in the Bar- Fixed
Waypoints causing crash
Waypoints causing crash
Disappearing base - how to fix?
Disappearing base - how to fix?
Disappearing base - how to fix?
Disappearing base - how to fix?
Disappearing base - how to fix?