Day 3
Well, after a week of puking and diarhea (sorry if TMI!) I’m back to continue my journey. I follow up on the above in finding out the system internal names. I have a hunch I’ll need these.
Found the list. In the Discovery Mod this is \IONCROSS\GAMEDATA_systems.txt. Note: It’s in an odd form. Why is it in the order added, instead of alphabetical?
- Question : Is this the same file for a SDK or unmodded Version?
So I can see from the list that Li01 is New York. Obviously; however having the list is useful for later. Now I will attempt to have a look at the New York Starsphere.
As we can see there are two files that may be involved. Lets open the first in the UTF Editor. Starsphere_li01.cmp

When opening starsphere_li01.cmp up in UTFeditor we can see the following list. The Texture part is what we are interested in for now.

In exporting each of the tga’s one by one we can see that these images are indexed tga files. Except for the Galactic Belt, all the images start at MIP0, at the size of 256 pixels by 256 pixels. Each subsequent image is then divided by two, so we get this:
- MIP0 = 256 x 256
- MIP1 = 128 x 128
- MIP2 = 64 x 64
- MIP3 = 32 x 32
- MIP4 = 16 x 16
- MIP5 = 8 x 8
- MIP6 = 4 x 4
- MIP7 = 2 x 2
- MIP8 = 1 x 1
I don’t yet know why they bothered putting a 1 x 1 pixel image in, (or an 8px for that matter). There’s bound to be some reason, yet to be discovered.

Out of curiousity I looked at li01 starsphere model (that’s the .cmp file) in Hard CMP to see what the model actually looks like.

Same model but textured.

Same model turned 180(ish)

And wired view of 180 with (guessed) explanations.

The log of HardCMP says thus :
Direct3D Interface created
Dx9 Format supported
Failed to create the DX9 device
Valid Dx9 Config: Devtype = 1 behaviour = 40 depth = 4D
Dx9 Device Created
InitD3D Done
InitGeometry started
InitGeometry started
Loading UTF
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\STARSPHERE\starsphere_li01.cmp
Loading Texture
Texture Loaded
Meshes loaded
Hardpoints loaded
Loading Fix
Creating Vertex buffers
Creating Index Buffers
Loading Textures from mats
Loading UTF(s)
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\asteroid_dock.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_badlands.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_berylium.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_debris.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_debris2.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_fragments.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_gas_mine.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_ice.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_lava.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_loot.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_mineable.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_minedout.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_mines.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_nomad.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_rock.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_toxic.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\ast_uranium.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\freeport7.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\nomad.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\nomad_lair.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_co_base.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_dockable01.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_dockable02.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_dockable03.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_dockable04.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_dyson.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_dyson_city.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_mbase.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_misc01.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_misc02.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_ring.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_space_dmg.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_space_tank.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_tink.mat
\Desktop\Modding Discovery\DATA\SOLAR\solar_mat_tlr.mat
Assigning Textures
I find it interesting that nomad textures are loaded in New York. Obviously some textures have been re-used from other things. Still, that is unexpected.
It should be noted here that the crow nebula image and the walker nebula images are on flat planes. That is obvious to see from the pictures, but I’m just pointing it out to those who missed it the first time. You can do some fantastic stuff with flat planes if you know what you are doing.
Also, from a designers point of view, the MIP1 textures look like they have been “Sharpened” from the MIP0 textures. That is a common technique in texturing, to make the lower resolution textures stand out more, when the detail is set lower.