Note to self… dont mod at 2am without coffee…
If you take the hard approach, could think about using that “FX attached to weapon” trick that I saw Helloween post in Effects Showroom. Would make for a nice little radiation missile or something.
However FF is right, a hook would be far easier… if you can find someone.
He does, but Sumanuti has a point, when you enter a radiation area, it damages your hull, but not your shields…
So if you applied that idea to a weapon, you could create perhaps a weapon that hits a ship’s shields and damages them, whilst x% damages the hull due to radiation…
Not sure where the coding for radiation areas is though…
(p.s. Hi to old timers, seems I have once again returned… just cant give this game up
If you installed it to x86 you cant edit the files even as an admin. I always instal Freelancer to my desktop.
Windows 7 has TrustInstaller that will stop you from changing things even as an Admin.
Personally its all complete…mumbling around cookie… and really we should move past it, enough of this more mumbling… CAUSE IT IS REALLY NOMNOMNOM COOKIES
I imagine that any effect, whether its the flamethrower smoke or the spinning radar, would have to be done in ALE. And well my ALE skills are about as good as a that of a block of wood.
Though if I had to hazard a guess for the flamethrower smoke, would be something along the lines of Particle Emitters in an ALE file.
For charged up you can check this out:
Thats ok w0dk4 we still love you… sort of
Capt. Morgan have you edited your FL ID files at all?
I’ve been gone for 6 months and we are still on this?
Looking good though, it must be if StarTrader is ok with it
First. When does Adoxa ever sleep… do be serious ST…
HPPool -
Xarian, heaven forbid that you should have to work
I must once again agree with ST, its frustrating being so close to having it done and then it dieing off.
Thanks as always though to those that put in their all.
Try placing the files you want to zip on your desktop. Zip them up with winzip. then set files to show file extension. then right click, properties and add .flmod after .zip.
thats all i can think of to make it work.
EDIT * sorry that should be WinRar
Are the files saved to your desktop or in x##/ProgramFiles?
Wow ST. Thats just epic.
Agreed Mirkha.
I heart ST…
Would anyone like a peanut? Anyone?
I can haz cheezeburgr?
My knowledge in this area is… well i dont have any. All I know is that a lot of you put in a lot of work to provide people with these tools.
Whilst i agree with ST, purely on the basis that its frustrating when you point out a problem and nothing is done.
However i appreciate that BW is trying, but if others offer help, constructive critisim, take it and do something with it, cause in the end its about benefiting the community.
Thanks to all that really give it their all and to those that try to give us the tools we require to create our dreams.
FF for the win.
I luv cheezeburgr…
Nice work Why. I will have a fiddle on mine see if i come up with anything.
I went to bed at 8:00am and got up at 8:45… and im to tired to read every comment so if this has been said i apologise…and if this makes no sense… pssshtt. i care not.
Could we maybe put in some sort of competion for each month, 2 months… with some kind of prize, im not sure what, maybe an upgrade for ship for any kind of arranged large scale battle that might take place…
Ya. that makes less sense the more i read it…
StarTrader is a bigmadmklaeef zzzzzzzzz <-- sleeping…
Joking ST.
Hahaha. Hush ST. When its done it will be soooo helpful, so let him get on with it at his pace… Which i hope is really fast haha.
Also Dragonkat. I suggest looking at SilverFires weapons. You might get a better understanding of what you want from his work.
3D Model Showroom
Shield Piercing
Shield Piercing
Can't get Read Only changed in Windows 7
Lets sattle it up between us
Adding fx to weapons/equipment
Weapon recoil/pushback and charged weapons
The-Starport FLServer ?
Game crashes on ship launch
.obj -> .sur converter
Weapon levels above 10
CMP to SUR Conversion Tests
How do you make flzip with windows 7
How do you make flzip with windows 7
Nav map question.
CMP to SUR Conversion Tests
CMP to SUR Conversion Tests
Next! .. getting started with ale from a to z..
The-Starport FLServer ?
Some questions for the weapon modders.