StarAvenger you still alive?
OK here is what I suggest, IF you are having issues getting Freelancer vanilla to run on your windows 10 PC then come to my TS3 server and grab me, OR grab me in skype which would work better due to screen share.
We can then verify the files you have, fix any graphics issues more than likely and other stuff much faster than this Ping Pong messaging as it is right now. THEN once it is fixed each can come in here post what their issue was and how “IF” we can , it got fixed for you.
TS3 address is:
If sending me a skype contact request be sure in the default message to remove that and instead replace it with, “Need freelancer game run help.”otherwise it will get whacked as spam.
SKYPE in search line place originaldu"AT"
You will find 3 names use Sarath Delmarth for the name.If you come into TS3 directly then look for Sarath.
I will be going into hospital Monday the 20th of Feb 2017.
I will have both skype and TS3 access IF they have proper internet connectivity, otherwise it may be a few days until I can get back with you.I hope I an be of assistance, since the StarPort folks have helped me many times maybe this time i can be of service to a few of you in return.
I currently still run a vanilla server on a windows 7 32 bit system and play FL both modded and vanilla on my windows 10 OS PC.
For further info if anything has changed go to my website and check in the CONTACT Tab section.
WWW.Gymnitai.comBest of luck
Sarath Delmarth
AKA Dark Uncle -
ok never ran a server before so I know it is bound to be something stupid.
Have mod in the freelancer folder all is set.
Have Ioncross ready and move the provided IFSO Files, such as Gamedata_ammo.txt and so on, which are now all loaded directly into the primary Ioncross folder not in any subfolders. So it overwrites the files that was there.
I start the FLServer.EXE and set up the info for player numbers and such. Once done I let it start then close it. I then start Ioncross, It starts the server, server boots up no problem, but the Ioncross goes all grey in the background and works fine if I only run a vanilly version, but as soon as I put in the new IFSO TXT files, POOF the above occurs
I am stumped it has all worked well up to this point, ideas, suggestions, stones to the head?? Aything?
ok not done anything with freelancer in many years. I have a mod set up but would like to find someone to fix one flaw in it that is goofed. In alaska system it was remodded and the prison station was removed. I need someone who knows their way aruond stuff to simply put it back into its original position from the vanilla version, so a person can do the “save the president” prision quest line. I do not even have any of the modding software anymore, just ran across this while cleaning my old hard drive for reformat and thought WHOW maybe play it again. Only to find this ever so slight problem of the missing prison station in alaska.
Anyone with a bit of free time willing to work this bug out let me know via my email please. [email protected]
Many thanks Dark Uncle
[Freelancer Mod News]RRJDS 2.82 Mod Released
Freelancer wont start on windows 10
Basic Noob Question on servers
Adding Prison station Mitchell back into mod.