Thank you for the kind words it was my pleasure 100%
Sorry i didnt know the site was down as i was the owner and co founder of the site when i gave up the site to the trustees it ran for a year or so with out me then all of a sudden it was gone with 404 error in its place ive checked every thing to do with the site all links to and from the site are dead so im afraid i can no longer replace or repair the site as its GONE
i must admit it was the best thing i had done for a long time that helped peole in every aspect of freelancer gaming weather to help combat cheats/cheaters hacks etc etc the site was very usful to many admins that ran freelancer servers and many players could check the parts that were open to the puplic but 80% of the workings of HA was behind closed doors and all admins that was accepted had the key to those doorsSorry to see the site go down for the final time but if it helped just one person/admin/player keep there machine running smooth or intact with freelancer then it paid for itself Thank you and take care because i care
EX Freelancer NUT Dazzla99
Haven Admins down?
Haven Admins down?