Thank you loads!! it works fine now… i thought it was me being a noob. ;D
Yes ive read that and it does explain well, i think maybe this mod is currupt or something beacue it doesnt seem to work.
Hi, im a total noob at modding Freelancer.
I wish to install the Federation ships v2.3 mod.
I downloaded and installed the FreeLancer Mod Manager v1.4 beta 4, and downlaoded the Federation ships mod, it comes as a .zip.flmod file, and when i try to run it, it comes up with some error.
Error: Unable to find section ‘[trigger]’ (…) blah blah in data\missions\M13\M13.ini
I also tried installing it with the Mod Manager v1.3 and that failed too.
I would install manualy but im not sure how… i tried adding the files to my Freelancer directory which did change their clothing when i ran the game but not the ships and it crashed…
If any one can lead me to a good tutorial on how to install mods for noobs or explain it would be helpfull.
Help with mod install
Help with mod install
Help with mod install