The Bretonian Clydesdale. The thing is a Bug in space and it looks beautiful for it.
Good Luck on your new mod. I look forward to playing it.
I know this isn’t my first post here, but I thought it would be best to introduce myself none the less.
I’ve been around Freelancer for about six years now, bopping around from mod to mod. However the only mod I’ve been the most passionate about is 88Flak, where I have been Admin and now Full-time Developer since KJ (KillerJaguar) vacated the position. Even so, I’m still sort of learning the internals of Freelancer, so expect a few oddball or overly verbose questions from time to time.
I hope to get to know all of you and I’ll try not to be much of a bother.
Probably in the wrong section, but I needed to put it somewhere. Plus I can’t seem to find any information pertaining to this subject anywhere…
What I’m trying to do is make the external player equip-able cargo pods act both as commodities (the pod itself as a bulk form of the good; doesn’t add to cargo space) and as a form of destructible object that upon being destroyed drops the commodity in question (the smaller form). The closest approximation would be the storage depots just outside Manhattan, a cargo container when equipped, but a commodity upon death.
I’m having some trouble on the implementation of this little idea, could somebody please possibly point me in the right direction.
Coolest Looking Ship
[Freelancer Mod News]FL10K Mod Anouncement and Forums!
Hello Folks
Cargo Pods as Commodities