I think if you want to use a webtechnology, you can better use a technology like ASP.NET, since javascript/ajax/php have a very crappy dll support. I tried once to import a c++ dll into a php file and tried to call a function on that. It’s possible with some tools, alltough i have doubts if it’s stable. I am almost sure that it isn’t possible with javascript and ajax. If you know a manner to import with php, javascript/ajax on an easy way dll’s, give me a notice
I think, if you want the easiest path to make it webbased, you have to use ASP.NET in combination with C#/VB. With C# you can make wrapper classes to put around the FLHook C++ classes. Now to be fair, i don’t know the complete structure of FLHook. I know only that it is written in C++ and that it make use of functions. But i’ve made once wrapper classes around c++ classes and call the functions from a c++ dll and it’s do able. Below is an easy example of an c++ messagebox, which i give a call in a C# app:
class testMessageBoxDll
public static void Main(string[] a)
MessageBox(new IntPtr(), “Message”, “Bar Text Above”, 0);
[DllImport(“user32.dll”, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern uint MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint type);
Alltough what i should advice if you want to make a user interface of it, make a c++ winform application from it