and after clicking on the icon
sorry… I have no idea how to minimize these pictures =/
Sure! I took a picture with my phone. Immediately after this window the game crashes to the desktop without any other Error.
I didnt install it in the default folder. I use another Hard Drive for my games. But a good idea.
Hello my dear freelancer-community,
some days ago, my roommates made me a special birthday gift and bought me Freelancer. I really loved this game back then and I was pretty excited to play it again. But well… you know what comes next. But let me tell you first, that I spent many hours in the internet to solve this problem by myself.
Im using Windows 10 Ultimate 64 bit
CPU Type
i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz
Freelancer: Ubisoft ExclusiveProblem: If i want to start freelancer this happens:
- Notice: Freelancer probably wont work exactely because of my graphics card (AMD Radeon R9 200 GDDR 5 4096 MB). I answer the question if I want to continue with “Yes” and go on.
- Everything works including the intro-video
- for a short time I can see the Freelancer-Screen (picture of planets and stuff)
- then I get a notice, that my “used account and password arent valid on this server” or something like that. Notice: I never played Freelancer on this PC before.
- right after this I can see the Freelancer-Screen again for about half an second and then the game crashes to the desktop. No menu, no nothing.
This is what I tried until now (in this sequence I think)
- installing freelancer directly from the CD
- updating the game to version 1.1
- using the “one and only” No-CD-Exe from Starport
- enabled legacy options (Direct Play) from within ‘Windows features’
- Running the .exe file as Admin
- running it in Compatibility Mode for WinXP SP 2/SP 3
- using the JFLP file (I think for widescreen-compatibility… not sure)
Nothing worked. I also tried to use an ID-Generator and the account manager but the game still crashes after the intro. Only thing which changed is the message I get right before the crash. Something like I should change my Accound and Password. But no menu, only the crash.
Also I searched for old save files even if I knew that there couldnt be one… you know, because of internet advice.
Now Im pretty disappointed and have no Idea what to try next. I would really love to play this old piece of gold again. Please help me!
Notice: Sorry for my english… aaaand Im not so good at PCs. I would really aprecciate it if you could keep it as simple as possible ^^.
Thanks for your help,
Another one failing by running Freelancer in Win 10
Another one failing by running Freelancer in Win 10
Another one failing by running Freelancer in Win 10
Another one failing by running Freelancer in Win 10