adoxa wrote:
Guns and missiles share the same hardpoints, so I guess you mean torpedoes? In the “Additional Equipment” line, you’ll see “CD/T” (Cruise Disruptor/Torpedo).
I see. I didn’t know they share the same slots/hardpoints. I might have mounted all available guns I have, leaving no space for the missile launchers.
adoxa wrote:
Shoot the trade lane ring itself, that’ll disrupt the lane and drop the ships out.
I didn’t know this. I will try this method.
Zefiryn wrote:
Well, I consider managing of reputations the most fun aspect of Freelancer.
Anyway, to repair the rep with Junkers you may attack Hogosha (-0.2) or Li. Police, Xenos (-0.1). Also Blood Dragons, Br Armed, Br. Police, Farmers, B. Hunters, L. Navy, LSF, Rh. Police but it is not really worthwile as it gives you only -0.05 of the rep lost with the attacked entity.
No point of attacking corporations.
On the other hand, you can do missions for the Junkers’s allies: Cosairs, Outcasts, L. Ruges (+0.15), Hessians, Mollys (+0.1), Golden C, Hackers, LWB, Unioners (+0.05)
Thanks for this info.
So, attacking corporations will have no effects whatsoever with the player reputation with Junkers? What about other criminal/outsider factions?
Also, is there a complete guide out there that shows effectiveness of attacking a certain faction into increasing/decreasing the reputation of you by other factions?
Mini_Me wrote:
Personally, I always go for blasting the hell out of Xenos. Everyone but Zoners hate them, and Zoner rep goes down pretty slowly so you can just find a station with a Zoner bribe before they go hostile and you’ll be golden. If I recall, it’s the left system above Colorado for that.
Colorado has a handy Xeno base, so it’s all nice and close.
I haven’t met any Xenos yet in the current phase of the game I’m playing. I guess I’ll blast 'em when I see 'em.