Have you been drinking?
The files are in My Documents. Should be a folder called FLAntiCheat, inside that is the hashdb.ini -
@ Robo, It’s a custom ship loadout. SlowsmallOrange is missing from HpRunningLight09 on some custom ship model i can’t identify. You still using FLAC? Because if so check your hasdb.ini once you’ve converted the hex to decimal and lookup the number. Covert with this : https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.html?x=A703710D
Genesis won’t work with other mods, it’s a standalone mod only
Just tried this, works well i have to say. Nice find
Well i don’t think i’m going to leave it. I’m not going to just sit here and be accused of things when all i was doing was trying to help. Not my my #$%% fault he can’t use a readme. No more help for him then. And who said FL wasn’t dead with stupid attitudes like that? Bollocks to all this.
I’m not, it’s how things are, deluding ourselves otherwise. You only have to look at the GLS stats.
There is no command line with this utilty just for clarification. You start up the BuildStarsphererunner.exe, type in the name of the ini file into the big empty space so ‘stars01’ for instance, press the 'RUN BUILD STARSPHERE EXE button and roberts your fathers brother. No command line, no messing with dos, no nothing. The command line option was in the original version where Dev couldn’t be bothered to make it easy for anyone.
@ Zyos
You’re thinking of the setting in constants.ini.
HULL_DAMAGE_FACTOR = 0.500000This meant that no matter what the hull damage is set to, even 0, it will still get half of the hull damage from a weapon as all of them are set to do shield and hull damage strangely.
Easiest way to fix that was to set it 0, and alter the weapons so certain weapons only did hull damage and certain ones only did shield damage. A lot of mods do their weapons like this. No idea why vanilla was such a PIA with this, oh wait, it’s a M$ product dumbed down for 2yr olds.
You’ll always have issues with people who won’t play certain types of mods or play on certain servers, that will never change. Just look at Discovery, i’ve only ever tried it once and never again after being talked down to and treated like a 2 yr old by the admins there just because i questioned some of the RP elements for new players.
Merging of servers, mods and communities will never happen, it’s how it is now and will stay like this until we’re all dead or finally move on. There’s a few hundred players left, about two dozen modders who actually know what they are doing and that’s it. Face it, it’s a dead game and we’re all holding a candle from the good old days, problem is we’re running out of wax.
What was the issue out of curiosity?
I’ve created more starspheres with this than i know what to do with, it works fine. I’m using XP to create these so no idea if it will work with Vista or W7. If you’ve filled out the ini file correctly by reading the readme file, then your new starsphere ends up in the same folder with the same name as the ini file you entered. An example, mynewstarsphere01.ini will end up as mynewstarsphere01.cmp
This is taken from the 1.1 readme
Start the BuildStarshereRunner.exe. Enter the name of your starsphere, then click on the big button that says Run build starshere exe, and file will be generated into a CMP file for use with FL.
This little compilation addon utility was made by Gibbon & Crassicauda simply because the original version expected you to use the command line runner which for me was a big no no.
Gibbon & Crassicauda
Davis wrote:
That’s pop zone not patrol route.And where did i say it was? All i was saying was a bad loadout could cause the problem either in the encounter already mentioned or in a nearby patrol path
That code you posted is exactly the same in the quickfix and i don’t get the crashes. So it’s not that. Altered any ship loadouts for any of the ships mentioned in the encounter or messed with any patrol paths?
An even bigger clue, Earth Alliance system, not in vanilla FL either plus he says he can buy it on omicron alpha, no capships for sale there or anywhere else in normal FL. MODDED!!
Doubtful as atmospherics would reflect the light which is why you won’t see this effect in reality and why it doesn’t look very good in games. Seen this in many games and it always looks wrong. On stations and ships it’s fine, but not on planets. Anyway, make it an option if you can, then people can choose it if they wish.
I agree with with Timmy about this, looks more like bloom. You’re forgetting that on modern gfx cards a number of effects can be forced onto FL, mine looks like it already has DX9 on it sometimes with the effects i have added. What’s really missing is the shader support which thankfully you’ve already added. I’d be careful about going too nuts with this glowmap effect, personally i’d wind it back a bit but that’s just my opinion. At least make it scaleable for users.
One other thing i find odd is the reflection of the sun on the planet, it’s not a billiard ball, what would the light reflect off of in the first place? The detailing of the texture however is exemplary
Was going to say emissive textures are nothing new as they have always been there, i can’t tell from these shots the subtle difference you claim there is. What is impressive however is the specular mapping, very cool indeed.
Every cmp file i’ve ever seen has an HpMount on it, yours doesn’t so maybe it’s not detecting the centre of the model and that’s why it’s misbehaving. That said, nearly every scenery file is a 3db so worth trying both options and see which one works
If it’s scenery, which it clearly seems to be, why not just make it a 3db file?
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