Surely it would be theoritically possible to reprogram what is required to run natively on the Pi’s processor without the x86 emulation. (I have to admit, I’ve not done that kind of level of programming before - just the odd bit of dabbling in COBOL, PASCAL and BASIC back in the early 90s…)
Simple question here.
I was wondering if anyone’s done any work in getting a Freelancer server working on a Raspberry Pi.
I know people had done work on getting Freelancer itself working in Linux in the past, but I think it would be interesting to see if a Pi could handle the server work - after all, it’s not actually having display the game, rather it’s working as a network server instead. I know Linux is very well set up for networking, and the Pi is a very popular thing to play around with nowadays.
Just as a small heads-up, I’ve got a small forum set up for this mod, although Stormprooter’s been largely AWOL recently (I gather he’s been busy in real life)
I may try to get a server for it up & running once I get myself a decent connection setup.
The folks over at Space Sim Central are willing to provide a backup for anything required in case of any other downtime so that nothing’s ever lost.
Raspberry Pi Server…?
Raspberry Pi Server…?
Freelancer: Mostly Harmless Open SP v0.1 Beta released
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