Greetings all those whose knowledge may be greater than mine. Quite a few of you I am sure.
Player Bases are great however there are 2 things that if overcomed would make them absolute magic. The first is the ability to move them while the second would be to join bases. I have looked at the coding, looked at the routines that may be needed but wonder if anyone else may have looked at this possibility. I dont see them being moved from one system to another, to large for JG but moved within a system. We feel that this is more interesting if a Ship was used, with a special device and hardpoint that literely towed the base to its new location. One thing that has often confused me is the positioning co-ordinates. As you all know there are 2 sets of parameters, the first set deal with xyz while the second deals with orientation. My confusion is that I can never find the starting reference point as each system is a different size.
I am very grateful for any ideas or comments.
I am of course talking about the Discovery Mod as there are no player bases in the standard version.
Regards and Thanks for your attention