:idea: :idea: :idea: Oh guys, I did it…! I am so happy! Why it didn’t occur me before? I was so busy trying to do it in my new 3DS Max, so i didn’t try it in old good (easy, beautiful…) MilkShape. And it worked.
In first post i wrote that i can’t replace material by another, but it was in 3DS Max. In MS i did it pretty simple: i opened a good model, imported the problematic one, and assigned material from original one to it. If not working, just move or duplicate object, this will work. Simple, but i wasn’t able to do it in Max. (I believe it’s possible, maybe it’s just a little complicated for newbie like me, but i tried… For last two weeks i couldn’t think about anything else, you know that feeling? :?)
I know this, i do not use specular mapping, just specular lighting. (Although guys from Freeworlds ToW improved their mod with specular mapping. Respect.) By the way, I appreciate any answer to my question. But please, before you reply, try yourself to edit model i linked in post #5 (battlecruiser.zip). That can help you understand what i am talking about, and your answers can be really helpful and point-to-point… Thank you again for your answers.
Yes, i did. I am editing every single texture manually. But as you can see it on seond picture - when self ilumination (or emissive level in MS) is higher, the texture has no problem with levels… And i repeat, luminosity is not a problem here, but shading is…
Material looks like dark because is not reflecting and diffusing light. I’m uploading one model here, so you can try it yourself. (Texture is .jpeg due to upload size limit.) If you figure something, please post it here, i will be very grateful.
I can do anything, there is no problem with exporting, but material have always same problem. I tried to modify it in .obj, .max and .ms3d, but anything i do, i can only modify these two channels. Other two i can modify too, but with no effect. I am just amateur in 3D modeling, but is there any way to “rewrite” material via MAXScript or somehow…?
Hi guys, i have a problem with too dark material, exported from .gr2 using GLXtractor and Granny Viewer. I use this way to export some EVE ship models, because TriExporter crashes while loading new or more advanced ships. It looks like there is missing (or ignored) specular and diffuse channel in it - i can change its values, but it does not affect the model.
So when i open exported .obj file (i use MilkShape and 3DS Max), i can only change ambient and emissive (= self ilumination in 3ds max) channels. What means no shading. In “normal” model i just need luminosity 10-20, in this one i need at least 100(!) to supress darkness, 140to look good enough. But again, there is no shading…
In addition (that’s why i write this topic), this material cannot be replaced by another (or just i don’t control such art). Can anyone help me?
Too dark material problem, export from .gr2
Too dark material problem, export from .gr2
Too dark material problem, export from .gr2
Too dark material problem, export from .gr2
Too dark material problem, export from .gr2