ok reversed a bit more. Thanks Adoxa, the bool skip_autosave for me didnt work, at least it should be a BOOL - the bool takes no 4 bytes for me, hence i havent it in the following overview.
The costume seems to be twice - no idea why - but in for me both contain the same infos.
struct PlayerData
//long x000, x004, x008, x00C, x010, x014, x018, x01C, x020, x024, x028, x02C, x030, x034, x038, x03C;
//long x040, x044, x048, x04C,
wchar_t wszAccID[40];
long x050, x054, x058, x05C3;
//uint x060;
uint uiNumberOfCharacters;
//long x064, x068, x06C, x070,
//long x074, x078, x07C;
//long x080, x084, x088, x08C, x090, x094, x098, x09C, x0A0, x0A4, x0A8, x0AC, x0B0, x0B4, x0B8, x0BC;
//long x0C0, x0C4, x0C8, x0CC, x0D0, x0D4, x0D8, x0DC, x0E0, x0E4, x0E8, x0EC, x0F0, x0F4, x0F8, x0FC;
//long x100, x104, x108, x10C, x110, x114, x118, x11C, x120, x124, x128, x12C, x130, x134, x138, x13C;
//long x140, x144, x148, x14C, x150, x154, x158, x15C, x160, x164, x168, x16C, x170, x174, x178, x17C;
//long x180, x184, x188, x18C, x190, x194, x198, x19C, x1A0, x1A4, x1A8, x1AC, x1B0, x1B4, x1B8, x1BC;
//long x1C0, x1C4, x1C8, x1CC, x1D0, x1D4, x1D8, x1DC, x1E0, x1E4, x1E8, x1EC, x1F0, x1F4, x1F8, x1FC;
//long x200, x204, x208, x20C, x210, x214, x218, x21C, x220, x224, x228, x22C, x230, x234, x238, x23C;
//long x240, x244, x248, x24C, x250, x254, x258, x25C, x260;
char szCharFile[512];
uint uiShipArchetype;
float fRelativeHealth;
CollisionGroupDescList collisionGroupDesc;
EquipDescList equipDescList;
int uiRank;
int iMoneyNeededToNextRank;
//long x28C, x290, x294, x298, x29C, x2A0, x2A4, x2A8, x2AC, x2B0, x2B4, x2B8, x2BC;
struct structCostume
UINT head;
UINT body;
UINT lefthand;
UINT righthand;
UINT accessory[8];
int accessories;
structCostume strCostume1;
long x2C0, x2C4, x2C8, x2CC, x2D0, x2D4, x2D8, x2DC, x2E0;
//uint uiHead;
//uint uiBody;
//uint uiLeftHand;
//uint uiRightHand;
//long x2F4, x2F8, x2FC;
//long x300, x304, x308, x30C, x310, x314;
//long x2E4, x2E8, x2EC, x2F0, x2F4, x2F8, x2FC;
//long x300, x304, x308, x30C, x310, x314;
structCostume strCostume2;
uint uiReputation;
int iInspectCash;
int iCyclicRedundancyCheck;
long x324;
EquipDescList oShadowEquipDescList;
int iNumKills;
int iNumMissionSuccesses;
int iNumMissionFailures;
long x340;
//bool bSkipAutosave;
long x344;
uint uiOnlineID;
uint uiShipArchID;
Vector vPosition;
Matrix mOrientation;
FLString flStrWeaponGroup; // 0x10 bytes
long x3C0, x3C4;
ushort usLastEquipID;
ushort x3CA;
uint uiMenuItem;
long x3D0, x3D4, x3D8, x3DC;
uint uiSystemID;
uint uiShipID;
long x3E8;
uint uiBaseID;
uint uiLastBaseID;
long x3F4;
uint uiBaseRoomID;
uint uiCharacterID;
class CAccount *poAccount;
class CPlayerGroup *poPlayerGroup;
uint uiMissionID;
uint uiMissionSetBy;
long x410, x414;