If I remember correctly, this is the way banking works in CD 1.31:
you’ll need the following command specified in messageboarddb.ini:
Then you can type /info esbtransfer <player><amount>, <amount>will be transferred to <player>and 5% (?) of <amount>to [ESB]Manhattan_Zentrale (you’ve probably come accross an error message about this character not existing when you start CD)… our bank used to be called ESB, therefore the names… you could give the command another identifier though in the ini (e.g. Cmd = transfer), but I’m pretty sure that the character’s name is hardcoded.
Note: This will result in the transferring player getting kicked, and the recipient will get a message that the next time he logs in he’ll find some more cash on himself
(For some weird reason my CD in my virtualbox isn’t working again, so I can’t test it atm, but I’m pretty sure the above is correct)</amount></player></amount></amount></player>