@IrateRedKite Wait… You don’t have a program with which you can edit the DLL files? I thought to create factions you have to enter the ID names and ID info into the DLL file ( I think it was the nameresources.dll. Although I don’t know how to do that either because I want a new faction and would have to generate a new ID name and information for that and I don’t know how to do that. Don’t you have to edit any DLL files for new factions?
@IrateRedKite Thats what i dont understand… So… When you have the Freelancer HD Editionen you dont need Freelancer SDK ? Where is the diffrent and which Programms you dosent need anymore when you have the HD Edition and why? For Dumb People like me… Whats the diffrent in the HD Edition that you dont need all Programms?
And Next question
All what i need to create my own Faction, Systems, Bases usw are the 4 Programms
LancerEdit - For modifying models, working with UTFs, textures, etc
FL Mod Studio - Mostly for system editing
FLInfoCardIE - For adding/modifying infocards and text
Skotty’s ALE Editor - For creating and editing particle effects ?Not more?
Actually i Try to teach myself. But my Brain fucked up und Smoking xD Problem is you have none Tutorial which works on his own. You have 20 Tutorials with 20 Programms… I have downloaded so many programms…
- FLeD ID´s
- BiniQDU
- FLUC (Freelancer Uni Compressor)
- Freelancers Explorer
- Freelancer Mod Manager ( I have read something about an Option to set "Dynamic ID´s so you dont need to edit DLL Files) but i found nothing in the FLMM Options. Time Waste Again
- Freelancer Mod Studio
- UTF Editor
- Freelancer Companion
- Freelancer SDK 1.3b
So many Programms… To Much for my Brain i dont know which of these Programms i need and which are to old and useless
@maximilianps said in German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?:
The Tutorial i post is from year 2007. Non Active Modders anymore.
Or what do you mean? Who is CoPilot?
Where and whats the Name of the DLL Where Factions are Saved? I know i need to change and edit Initalworld ini , empathy ini ect. but where is the DLL where the Factions safe? I need to Create a IDS Number for my own faction right? Does it matter which number or can i Chose a number on my own?
How can i Edit these DLL´s ? With FLED IDS? I try it but i dont know how it works xD
@IrateRedKite okay thats very bad
I have downlaoded the Mod Studio but… I´m to stupid to unterstand… I have the Hope that there was a Tutorial for one of the Programs or a Video where somebody explains how to mod. The other Tutorials i have read but… i Dont unterstand what they want xD
I found this ( I dont a permission to post a Link here i Need to copy the Tutorial Text)
well, i’ll start this forum off…
Creating Factions
Tools needed:
- FL Save Editor
- Notepad
- BiniQDU
Ok, here we go…
Step 1: ids-names
IDS_NAME and IDS_INFO(1,2,3) are set out like this:
ids_name = (IDS NUMBER FROM DLL)
ids_info = (IDS NUMBER FROM DLL)Step 2: Setting initial faction reps
open Freelancer\DATA\initalworld.ini and put rep = 0, (and your faction name e.g. fc_n_grp). After every return for each faction modifying like you see done with other factions to choose how their empathy towards each other is set at.I dont unterstand Part 1. Which DLL he means? Need i to create one or what?
Step 2 i Unterstand. i need to open the ini file. Add a New Faction like ne others ( i Can Copy and paste from the Site or direct from other Factions and then Edit Name and so on… Right? -
@Darky damit ich das richtig verstehe generelles modding was neue fraktionssysteme Basen und so weiter angeht das wird alles über das Bearbeiten von ini-Dateien sprich schriftdateien gemacht die ich mit Notepad bearbeite oder wie ist das? Klingt ja erstmal gar nicht so kompliziert ich habe mir schon sagen lassen dass Freelancer Explorer z.b eher semi ist und dass man davon die Finger lassen sollte damit habe ich es nämlich schon probiert aber ständig hatte mir irgendwelche Fehler geworfen von wegen Fehler mit der leeren DLL und wenn ich ein Mod bearbeiten wollte ist das Programm abgestürzt und so weiter und so fort.
Das bedeutet die Programme die ich brauche um das alles zu machen hast du mir gerade aufgezählt ja?
Okay… Hope you guys dont Hate me for this question… But i Think every single Person who wants to play and keep FL Alive is Important! xD
I want to make my Dreams in my Childhood come true and mod Freelancer myself. Since i start playing FL in 2005 i have a Dream… Have my Own System with my own Faction called " Liberty Rebllen" which means , gues who knows, “Liberty_Rebels”.
Since years i have read a lot and try it to mod and learn from posts but my english, I think you can read it, is very bad. And the Tutorials in English i can find are not up do date ( Links dosent work, Tutorials, Programms delete)
Question: Are there Freelancer Modding tutorials that are up do date and work at 2024? Maybe in German? English works too but to Learn it better i preffer my language xD
Hope you can help me with Tutorials, Links, Programms for Modding FL in 2024.
I Try my best to learn how to mod FL but i cant get it^^
Thx a lot!
German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?
German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?
German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?
German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?
German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?
German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?
German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?
German Mod Tutorials? 2024 Mod Tutorial?