So I’ve started playing freelancer again, but I’ve looked into how to edit/modify the vanilla game a little, and I’ve had great success doing so, however I’m a little confused about something that happens because of this and wondering if folks can clear it up for me.
The current ship I have, is the Liberty Defender. I’ve used the SDK and decrypted my ini files, and found the Liberty Defender in the shiparch.ini …. okay, great so far. I modified the cargo hold to 12,000 that works and is successful and I can carry that much cargo. My issue however is I also decided to modify the hit_points = on my ship to 32,600 which is decent, I still take damage in combat but can still take a lot of hits, which is what I wanted. The big problem with this though is that when I’m down only -25% off my total for ship’s HP during combat, when I get back to a station to land and repair, I’m missing a gun, or a turrent, or both. Sometimes my missle I have mounted in a hard point are missing. Sometimes my hard points are completely missing. like I’ll look at my ship and it only has 3 gun hard points listed, then I go repair everything, and mysteriously the hard points re-appear and are empty. I know I’ve been looting stuff in combat every time the little chest icon appears, so if my guns are… maybe getting shot off of my ship and go floating, I could recover them? But that doesn’t seem to be happening. I’m really at a loss… have I broken the game and should lower the ship’s HP to like 24k? 16k? Any input would be appreciated.
edit: I didn’t intend for this to go into the “Save FL” sub-section, I didn’t even click on that before “Create new topic” I have no idea how it got in here… feel free to move it to the correct section.