I think Yukikaze is one of those better known OVAs. I remember watching it around 2008. I might just rewatch it again to refresh my memory
I am glad they were of use. Btw that Deerhound from above is a more up to date modernised version of the Greyhound. The versions have cca 10 years between them hehe.
Those ships for your mod are from Yukikaze right? That is a great anime.
Hey, thanks.
These ships are currently not on the internet for donwload like my older previous ships. Most of them are made for 2-3 mods, but the devs stated that they re my models, so there is no problem sharing them. Except the Hiderigami. That is modification of my Shilone VHF made for one person.
Now the fanfic ships were not meant to be used in any mod, so they have no LOD1-2s. The rest have LODs and part. (except the Conqueror - I never really finished it for mod use tbh).
Send me a DM if you are interested in any of them.
Cool! I am happy every time I see one of my ships in a mod.
Some of the ships I did since February 2020:
FSF-20 “Deerhound”(View in 3D)
FSB-10 “Failinis”(View in 3D)
FSG-6 “Dullaghan”(View in 3D)
301 RV1 “Conqueror”(View in 3D)
J20-10P “Hiderigami”(View in 3D)
Series W “Shamshir”(View in 3D)
CTE-9000 “Condor”(View in 3D)
M14 Class “Praetorian”(View in 3D)
ASC-5B “Mamoru”(View in 3D)
Regent Class(View in 3D)
Horizon Class (View in 3D)And some modified fanfiction FL ships:
“Project Morningstar”(View in 3D)
“Chiquito Amigo”(View in 3D)
“The Impaler”(View in 3D)
“Vagabond Heart”(View in 3D)
“Daikyu”(View in 3D)
“Onikiri Maru”(View in 3D)
“Gora-Daileng”(View in 3D) -
Hey. @HunterKiller and @traversal…you guys are talking about that last ship posted here? It is not mine but Alucard’s…he posted it
The praise should go to him
Anyway, it’s more than 2 years since I posted here. Oh time flies. Time to post some of my recent ships here too :).
Thank you.
As per usual the mesh is free to download and use. I will plan to make a few more ships in March. Most of them will be my ancient random sketches turned 3D. -
Here is the Sketchfab link -
Hi folks. Holy sh*t, my last forum post is almost from 3 years ago. Well, not the best 3 years of my life. Anyway, I decided make a few new ships, for old time’s sake. After all, I never really left Freelancer, just had an inactivity phase. Good to see TSP still active.
So here is my latest ship. I just finished it half an hour ago.
The Fulcrum class corvette/gunboat with 7 turret hardpoint or turret and 1 GB gun. -
SWAT_OP-R8R wrote:
You have chat lag.The best greave digging response I have seen in years :lol: :lol: :lol:
Freelancer, in it’s core, is about people, players interacting, bonding ingame and online, creating bonds, friendships and such. Whether FL lives of fades into oblivion depends only on us. I believe that, even in reduced numbers, the Freelancer community is still strong and kicking. I hope it will stay this way for a while.
Freestalker.fr wrote:
The golden age is over? Or should we wait until the end of the Eclipse? (CF Berserk manga)
I think if this is the end, we should find another game to keep this community alive.
The end is nigh, but not here yet. Like the winter in Westeros, it took it 7 seasons to arrive hehe.
This is a Freelancer community, and I hope it will stay that way. Transforming The Starport into a Darkstar One ie. sounds like a nightmare hehe.
Well…Freelancer is old, soon it will be considered pre-abandonware I think. We should be glad that there is still a noticeable community, considering Freelancer’s age.
As for me. It will be 10 years soon for me that I play this game. Wonderful 10 years. I met so many great people, joined a great and old clan, established some important connections. Fl made me start doing ships and stuff in 3D, and I released a few ships to be used, and had an amazing and unforgettable time playing on different servers. I am not as active as I used to be, but I will continue to play on, probably until the last server goes offline.
When it comes to making new ships for use in mods, I am not certain. I have less free time now, and investing it into creating ships for Fl is maybe futile now. Don’t know. If they will be used in some mod then I will make now ones, if now then there is no point.
In my opinion, creating new mods from scratch is pointless now. Improving and further developing the existing and still somehow active ones yes. The golden years are over and will never come back. . .
Best looking Nomad ships ever created on this Earth. Period. Outstanding job. Every mod should replace the vanilla ones with these…
Neat. What is that ship? Looks interesting.
Prime example: Homeworld Remastered. They did and excellent job remastering them…
@Mobius1NI: No one sad it is a bad idea, it is actually a great idea, however, the vanilla FL textures and models are…well, outdated, and remastering them would require a huge amount of work.
Guys I have problems uploading the Pack to Downloads…
I get this error message:
413 Request Entity Too Large.
You need to be realistic. The Freelancer community is getting smaller and smaller every year. I think now only the most core fans remained. Not counting the occasional try-playsaweek-leaves players. And maybe 5-6 mods too.
A complete FL overhaul sounds great, don’t get me wrong, but will it be worth the huge effort it requires? Making a new mod or a vanilla-oriented project is more or less a futile job, in my opinion, since most of the old, active players are sticking with the mods/servers they know for years. I am too thinking if I should make new FL ships or packs. Not sure if the last pack was used somewhere hehe.
Domo arigato! :D: D
@Sizer: Mon Calamari porn man… Great job. Moar please.
Hoppaaa… that is great! Good job!
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