Sizer wrote:
The hook from our demo WILL NOT WORK properly with vanilla FL. It is not a finished product, it is incomplete and rather unoptimized. As such, it was never meant to work without the demo. We will be releasing a vanilla upgrade once we’re finished, but we’re not there yet. We will not support any attempts to extract our DX9 improvements from any WIP version of FW:TOW, and take a somewhat negative view of such attempts. Be patient, it’s coming.
Yeah, I know there’s wont be any support for the hook other than FW TOW itself until you released the vanilla ones, I just can’t wait for the unlimited dynamic light to play with rather than playing with limited vanilla lights
(as the FW TOW demo server itself is down, I can’t play with those fancy lights.) and that’s why I post it on the Spam Board.
And a Question, if there is 2 suns on a system, will be there 2 shadows?