This one of the reason I love freelancer the free lancer community is very nice, everyone is very respectful. I dont always get such a warm welcome many places I go online and offline.
Thank you, now where do you get account ID i cant find my old on and google isnt helping… I tryed an account ID generater couldnt get that to work.
New issue i found it but when i edit it wants me to creat a new save file is this going to creat a problem and if not is there a certain title i need to use so the it doesnt interfer with any paths?
Almost forgot which host should i use this one, the walkaround or the direct connection if i wanna be using discovery, crossfire and other mods?
I cant find a the freelancer.ini file was using the my sreach all programs and file thing i also took a peak in the .exe but still couldnt find it
Thanks, however, i have resolve my issue. I actually had it in random locations so the thing couldnt find a path. So I reintalled everything right to my desktop now it works great XP
Thank you i think this will work not sure yet. Anyway do you have any suggesting for Installers? like which one and where a can grab a free download… working on a very tight budget i get of Zero
Any who thanks again
Ok new im really going to sound like a computer newoob but, how do i do this. never used winrar before. I got it download and tried a few things but I dont think i was even close to right.
Wow I feel stupid for not knowing. However, ignorance is what inspirers good converstation.
Haha that is very good advice… However, I always do. Anyway thank you for the warm welcome!
Ok if do this will it auto install or will i have to do it manually
Thank you! I plan on learning to make mods but its going to be a slow process; however I look forward to learning.
That worked for the FLMM but not for the discovery mod
Hey I’m new to the star port and pretty much new to modding. I got freelancer back in high school… still my favorite game. Sadly in 2006 ot 07 I moved out of my parents house and well I haven’t had real internet sences. durning the move I also lost my copy. recently I grabed a new one; started to play it again… needless to say i feel right back in love with it. Anyway I thought I should Introduce myself. I’m Malfunction, my little nick name actual has abit of history to it. I have bad luck, everything that can go wrong will go wrong but some how I always come out ok. There alot more to it but just dont like being to long winded. Anyway you can call me Mal for short. Hope i get the net back soon so i can start flying with ya all soon.
Sorry my reply took so long Im using my cell phone to connect to the net. I found a new problem that may be causing the the other issues. I’ll post the my screenshots.
Iusses 1: I will start with the new one.
1. Its with me FLMM I cant seem to activate any one them.
2. when I attemp to an error message appears.
3. I thought I download FLMM 1.31 however at the top of my FLMM is says 1.3 not sure if thats related to these issues or not.Issue 2:
1. I double clicked the file it just opened so I Extracted the zip
2. I open the extracted file and the only what I the appears to be what i need is titled Discovery Freelancer and its file type is shortcut.
3. I click shortcut and it brings up a Security Warning. ( I know that i could disable this function but I choose not.)
4. I click Open then a new message appears. It says something about a path, you’ll see it in the screenshots. -
I down FLMM 1.31 and then the Discovery 4.85 and I am not sure what to do from there i oppened it and the look around. The only thing I seen that made sence to click was a file simply title Discovery Freelancer its file type is a shortcut so i assumed this was correct. However, when i click it a message appears that is is titled Open File - Security Warning then i click open then the mother F***ER opens another message that says the specified path does not exist… check path, then try again. Im running windows 7 i believe home edition. Please help
Update: Sorry didnt realise how big my screen shots would turn out. Anyway for details on the problem Just scroll down I didnt realise I could edit my orginal post or i would have add it here. Anyway thanks you for information you may provide me.
Update: Issues has been Resolved!!! YAY!!! I just reinstalled in all on my desktop… now there is not more path finding difficulties. Anyway thanks for your help
Cant think of a good title
Multiplayer configuration
Multiplayer configuration
Need help win7
Need help win7
Need help win7
Cant think of a good title
Need help win7
Cant think of a good title
Need help win7
Cant think of a good title
Need help win7
Need help win7