Thank you all for your help. I switched to FLHook 3.1. There I found dsacesrv.dll in the assembly.
Peace and good luck.
I found out why it doesn’t work. I’m missing the dsacesrv.dll plugin. But where can I get it. This plugin is not in the repository, and they do not fit from another assembly. I use this assembly:
Can anyone help me with this file? -
I noticed this when I opened the dacomsrv.ini file in the distribution, and DSAce.dll and directplay8.dll are indeed connected there. I did the same, but nothing changed. The text in the resource libraries is not replaced. The server does not even send it…
Thank you for your response. I took the directplay8.dll library from the distribution kit and connected it to dacom.ini (dsace was disconnected, and connected) - nothing changed. I still get a blank window. For some reason, this code does not work for me (and does not give any errors):
HkChangeIDSString(client, 500000, L"Base Help" ) ;//500000 500001
HkChangeIDSString(client, 500001, help);FmtStr caption(0, 0);
caption.begin_mad_lib(500000 ) ;
caption.end_mad_lib();FmtStr message(0, 0);
message.begin_mad_lib(500001 ) ;
message.end_mad_lib();pub : : Player : : PopUpDialog(client, caption, message,
POPUPDIALOG_BUTTONS_CENTER_OK ) ;//an empty window is displayedTwo libraries, directplay8 and DSAce, are included in the release… But they seem to do the same job.
I faced another problem. What could be that the function HkChangeIDSString(client, 500000, L “text” ) does not send a message for replacement? The DSAce.dll library is connected. For example, replacing base information works fine.
I see that flhook4 has abandoned DSAce.dll altogether, and there is no “base” plugin there. -
Answer. In the Discovery mode, each system has a specially prepared base ((system)_proxy_base) that serves as a middle ground in the base you created. I didn’t notice this in the code…
I’ll think about how to fix it. -
I want to make the Base plugin work on another mod, as if I rewrote everything, the base appears, but the base is empty. I use Flhook2.1 (it still works on windows 7). I think that the SolarInfo struct is responsible for this, but what variable or what should I change? What is responsible for the middle of the database in the plugin?
Video: -
Thanks to all. -
As with the function:
void __stdcall SPMunitionCollision(…
void __stdcall HkCb_AddDmgEntry(…
Get in ID someone hit by a shell or bullet.dmg->get_inflictor_id();
I do not work (it is not clear that getting)(In short how to get the ID the victim?)
As with the function:
void __stdcall SPMunitionCollision(…
void __stdcall HkCb_AddDmgEntry(…
Get in ID someone hit by a shell or bullet.dmg->get_inflictor_id();
I do not work (it is not clear that getting)(In short how to get the ID the victim?)
Help with the base plugin
Help with the base plugin
Help with the base plugin
Help with the base plugin
Help with the base plugin
Help with the base plugin
Help with the base plugin
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Help in programming
Help in programming