i am from Oman and i still playing FL
we have biggest problem in oman after special force attacked , they killed one from Peaceful demonstrators ! that was At dawn !
i am from Oman and i still playing FL
we have biggest problem in oman after special force attacked , they killed one from Peaceful demonstrators ! that was At dawn !
my ping now on HHC 140ms
but i want make it less than now !
how i can opan port in linksys wag354g for Freelancer ?
what is really UDP ???
UDP 2302 2304 or 2300 2400 ?
Vesko wrote:
NORT wrote:
StarTrader wrote:
OK, good - so what is your ping now?303ms Fluct: 1 loss: 0 lag: 0
To which server?
StarTrader wrote:
OK, good - so what is your ping now?
303ms Fluct: 1 loss: 0 lag: 0
Vesko wrote:
WHOAH. Are you telling me an 8mbps connection in Oman costs $260 per month?Jeez, and I thought my ISP were thieves. Well, they do have a monopoly in the country and charge $50 per month for 4mbps, but that’s nowhere near this.
prices changed !!! look to new prices http://www.omantel.om/OmanWebLib/Individual/Internet/homebroadband.aspx?linkId=3&MenuId=420
my internet is Plan B
40 MB/s costs 156.047 USD per month and Unlimited !
i am fun now
Vesko wrote:
WHOAH. Are you telling me an 8mbps connection in Oman costs $260 per month?Jeez, and I thought my ISP were thieves. Well, they do have a monopoly in the country and charge $50 per month for 4mbps, but that’s nowhere near this.
We have worked Province about 3,000 people did it
internet was :
internet now : http://www.omantel.om/OmanWebLib/Individual/Internet/homebroadband.aspx?linkId=3&MenuId=420
now i am fun
my download speed 2 Mbps , it was 512 Kbps !
today I bought AlFA and look to my speed now :
ALFA :http://www.wifilab.net/wifi/images/stories/alfa-usb.jpg
i’ll have to do new server in my country this is what i can do .
i will have internet speed 5 Mb/s , all players of my country will have 30 ms or 40 ms right ??
Bas wrote:
Sorry, there are chances about 0 percent to get such a ping with your distance to EU or US servers. But don’t worry, most likely it won’t be necessary. I have played with a ping of 89 ms and all was fine, hence, (almost?) never other players complained about me.
Plus, a better connection won’t help in such “distance problems”, but you might still need a better connection.
I think if you can get a ping around 100 ms it will be fine.
a Solution is : i have to make optical fiber or Internet space in my house , it is best than ADSL , it is make me from where servers run!
example:i playing in in HHC from my country Oman , it is make me from germany !
ADSL is not good for playing multiplayer in games because it is Depends on the distance !
write in google "optical fiber"S:
Bas wrote:
I have DSL 10k but I also just get a ping of at least 150 ms or higher to US servers (I am from Germany, Europe)
i had 190 ms in some USA servers
how speed i need to be 20 ms in all servers ???
8 Mb/s ???
why battlefield 2 had better ping than freelancer ??
About more than 200 players playing" battlefield2" in my contury without problem with ping !
i think problem is in FLlistservers (GLS) , some time i get nice ping in all servers germeny and sometime in Russia !
last 5 day my ping was 1000ms in some servers , i tried with two Device contact than i got the same ping !
today i have190 ms in USA servers !
can you tell me Way Mb/s ? i had no understand what is 1mbit???
i had downloaded “PingTesterPro” but i have no idea how i can use it .
look here http://www.softpedia.com/reviews/windows/Ping-Tester-Professional--Review-84621.shtml
my conutry is Oman , i have question ––> if i change my proxy to Europe proxy than ping will be down ?
why battlefield 2 had better ping than freelancer ??
About 2,000 players playing battlefield 2 in my contury without problem with ping !
i think problem is in FLlistservers (GLS) , some time i get nice ping in all servers germeny and sometime in Russia !
today i have190 ms in USA servers !
=Alex= wrote:
I should also add that a ping of 98ms to a server in your own country is also not great.
i don’t mean that , you have to download some program or do something in Registry !
=Alex= wrote:
The test you posted:
Unfortunately that is not a good enough speed to play FL well on. Most of the servers are in the USA and Europe.
speed does not change something ! , i have friend played from USA and he has bad ping !
i had test with 3,50MB/s but the ping is the same !
i have high ping in all servers , my enemys kill me in few sec because lag and admin kicking me because lag or high ping !
there is no way to fix it because i am very far from europe
here some servers :
i think someone have idea how i can fix that and make my ping faster than now , like 60 ms .
i am still with XP too ! , i don*t like 7 or 8 !
the biggest problem ,the number of players in FL become very less
i think in 2004 players were more than 2,000 ! but today they are 300 or 400 ,
alot of servers have 0 players !
FL can survive to 2020 ?
i would some one say “yes” .
is that because ipv6 ??
FriendlyFire wrote:
You might also want to open ports 2300 to 2400 in UDP and TCP.
how ?
can you make image about your internet speed ???
test here : www.speedtest.net