Wow, this thread really exploded!
I’ve gotten a lot of responses so far…
Timmy51m wrote:
Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the guy is looking to join any teams or projects. I think he just wants to make models and what not to add to his portfolio.A bit like Sol used to do, you hand in a concept or artwork and if he likes the job then he’ll model it and make it available.
He’s potentially a great asset to anyone who can feed him great ideas that can make both his talents and your mod look good. Mutual benefits. By the looks of the material on his site, he’s pretty bloody good to. Ask him quick before Lancer does a runner with him!
Sorry LS, couldn’t resist!
Thats exactly right. I’m looking for teams and modders who can hand me clear and distinct concept art to turn into your game assets. Working fulltime means im not able to join teams and be involved in every nuance and detail of mods.