Alright, so I will be setting up a server within the next month or so based explicitly around PvP. It will be based out of the USA, and be a pretty powerful machine (I think I will be able to run about 100-150 slots.)
There are a few ideas I have that may or may not be possible. I’d just like a bit of guidance from people who know.
1. /restart eagle, /restart sabre, /restart hammerhead, etc… commands to put people in Tekagi’s arch (where the PvP will be based out of.) 50k starting cash, all the normal weapons for setups unmounted, shields, etc… I know this is possible considering it was done on FLU with /restart Zoner and such. But is there any limit to this command? Was this developed for FLAC or FLHook?
2. Can I close the jumphole in Tohoku from both sides rather than just from the Chugoku side completely serverside? Also get rid of the NPCs? Or actually just remove the NPCs completely and still remain only a serverside mod?
3. Is there any fix for running FLServer.exe on a multi-core systems? The server machine will be running dual Phenom x4s.
4. Is there any sort of .ini check subroutine for FLHook to check for .ini edits?
5. Is there a FLHook plugin to track and parse kill stats, and dump it somewhere for another program to throw up on the web? I’d like to mess around with the idea of points per kill that change based on your kill to death ratio.
Thanks for the help!