Hey guys, just wanted an official place to post news about the game i am working on, and this is the perfect place.
Gameplay will heavily be inspired by Freelancer. I am trying to minimic the controls as best i can. Everything works great right now, except (I feel, anyway) that the camera is a little off…its very hard to get it just right… freelancer has such a specific feel. anyway, i don’t know if thats a good thing or a bad thing so i will let you guys decide.
please give me some feed back on what you think of it so far (again, mainly just the ‘feel’ of it but any crits will do). and you are welcomed to ask any questions you wish… i will try to answer them as best i can.
engine being used is Unity3 Pro.
current state of development: Setting down all the foundations…
web demo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21307579/Showcase/WebPlayer.html
Exe: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21307579/SummerProjR2.zip
Dockbay Controls:
Click and drag LMB to move camera
N to spawn new ship
S to save ship
D to delete save data
L to load save
R to restart (preserves save data)
U to undock
Click on any component to deal 10 damage. Wings HP: 10, Body HP: 100
Keep mouse still for 2 seconds to activate ‘idle mode’ (Cycles through various camera angles every 10~ seconds)
Flight Controls:
W A S D to move
Move mouse around to look
X to reverse
Tab for thruster
Space to stabilize. (This is active by default, press space to begin moving!)
Z for engine cut
Click on any component to deal 10 damage. Wings HP: 10, Body HP: 100
U to re-enter the dock
Automaticly saves your ship state when re-entering the dock