Thank you, that’s the line I had to work with
But how can I remove one of the engines?
These files are not in the mod folder. Just the script.xml and there’s none line of code referring to the engine_equip.ini in it.
When I activate the engine shop mod and the ship pack, every ship of the pack got 2 engines. The original FL ships only one.
Wow, great database! Thank you, mate!
I don’t want to open a new thread, so I just post my little question here.
I use Porsches Star Wars ship pack version 6. I really love it. Now I want to play the story again with these ships. But there’s one thing that i would like to change, the speed of the ships. In normal flight the ships speed up to 160 and on cruise speed up to 600. Where can I change these options back to normal?
In fact that the original FL ships are not that fast with the mod activated, Porsche must have changed the speed to every single ship in his mod. But I can’t find a line in the code which is targeting the speed.
Thank You mate!
I have to think about some mods I can’t find anymore. Let you know when I remember their names
I’m looking for a nice X-Wing (since 9 years now ).
I want to combine it with Porsches Star Wars Shippack v6.
I hope somebody can help me with my request.
Greetings from Germany
muss leider sagen, dass ich dieses Tutorial nicht sehr hilfreich finde.
Es wäre mal interessant zu wissen, welche Programme man überhaupt verwenden kann, um ein Schiff zu modelieren. Persönlich würde ich das gerne mit Cinema 4d umsetzen, da ich dafür eine Lizenz besitze.
Vielleicht wäre es sinnvoll, gerade die Tutorials, bei denen es um das Erstellen von Schiffen geht, in Videoform zu machen, da man so Step by Step sieht, was man tun muss.
Defender and Valk.
But the Rheinland ships should be better designed, because they’re german .
Thank You!
The link is broken again, could you re-upload it, please?
bin zwar kein Modder, aber doch sehr interessiert an einigen Tutorials. Finde die Idee, sofern sie noch weitere Spacesims beinhaltet, da Freelancer leider nicht mehr ganz so aktuell ist, sehr gut.
Falls es bei der technischen oder grafischen Umsetzung einer Website noch Probleme gibt oder Kenntnisse fehlen, so könnt ihr gerne auf mich zurückkommen. Bin beruflich in dieser Sparte tätig.
Thanks mate!!!
I can’t use Ioncross server operator because i need the mod for the SP. And FL Datastorm is not the best solution.
I’m looking for this mod, too. It would be great if someone could post it.
Looking for a X-Wing
Looking for a X-Wing
Looking for a X-Wing
Looking for a X-Wing
Looking for a X-Wing
Looking for a X-Wing
Tutorial: Schiffe selber machen für Anfänger
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