While we’re talking about liquid drum and bass, check out Adam F - Circles for another chill vibe.
Looks amazing! Wow, really great work. Everything is smooth, even the skyboxes. Looks beautiful. Will it require vanilla or also work in HD?
Welcome back! I remember some of those names. I miss Gibbon, Cannon and Glock36, though I cannot recall if Cannon was on TLR, now that I think about it… I was Anarchael. I didn’t do much, but I made a mod that got featured on RPGDot back in the day and had 1100 downloads or so, which for a kid in high school in the mid 00s, was pretty cool. Modding FL sparked my interest in game design.
Do you have some examples of such mods for single player? Besides Discovery and Crossfire (ew), I’ve not seen many that extend SP to a deep degree, or add ship models that appear quite fitting. I remember a lot of cross-over ships from other franchises and some systems mods here and there that never really added much.
Welcome back!
I’d recommend installing Freelancer HD Edition and going from there. In terms of mods, there’s not a lot of amazing ones that add a good amount of depth, lore and so on. Discovery is probably the best of them, however it makes a lot of its own lore as it is set after the base game. That’s likely your best mod to look into after you’ve played the main storyline again.
There’s not really any other mods that expand well into story, graphics and new systems. Most are just too much eye candy and mismatched features/models/textures, such as random Star Wars ships or added systems with no real need for them to be there.
Welcome to FL!
Happy New Year 2023, Schmackbolzen! Hope you and family had a good holiday period.
I saw you posted another comment here on TSP and remembered this new shader project. How has the project fared across 2022? It was looking amazing in the last footage.
Welcome back to FL!
Glad you got it all working! Sorry, did not know you meant in Discovery, I thought you meant Vanilla FL. We are all helpful here, so stop by any time. Modding FL is fun, you should come learn
Unfortunately, there’s no way to make dynamic storage where you can store your own items. The only place in the game that holds what you pick up is your ship, which stores everything loosely when it’s unequipped.
If you want to get into modding, I suppose you could just keep track of what you own, make a station and give it a Trader NPC that sells copies of those items. Since you wanted them to be 0 (free) you’d have to double-up on existing items by making copies that had a price of 0.
So, let’s say you wanted to ‘store’ a Justice Mk I. You would make a copy of li_gun01_mark01, give it a price of 0 and a new nickname, then sell it at that Trader NPC. You’d then dispose of your one in-game manually for self-imposed balance.
That would be a bit hacky and messy, though it would achieve what you want - having everything you own sold back to you whenever you wanted for $0, as many times as you needed. You’d just need to update the mod yourself with the items whenever you wanted to ‘store’ them.
All good points! Yeah, I was just presenting the easiest approach to get them started. I know that when I first started, getting hung up on specifics was a big barrier to entry compared to just getting something I made working, and learning more/refining later.
Thanks for the ship explanations, too. I didn’t know there were missing ships in the code! I’ve only just recently started looking at what was left in and not implemented, like the Pygar landing zone, so first thing I want to do is make it dock-able again. I thought maybe they were just never intended to be player-operated.
Looking forward to more exploration.
No worries. Yep, same process. Just duplicate the sections of the files you’ve been editing, and then change the relevant ID for the copied ship to refer to the stats of another.
If you want your own custom stats, you’ll need to use FLDev to create a custom entry in an infocard, and if you do that, you might as well make a custom ship name and description, too, since those require custom infocards, too. Then you’d refer to the ID of the new infocard.
Good to see someone else getting into FL modding again! I’m going to make some tutorial videos on what I know. I’m trying to learn how to model custom ships and get them appearing in the game, but currently still having issues with that. Once I learn how to do that successfully, I think I can cover all the basics in videos. Hopefully we’ll get even more people having fun with FL modding again.
Nice! Yeah, if the stats display there, then you’ve done it properly. You can test it out against enemies, too. Jump into a normal Dragon and note the damage, then go up against the same enemies in the Red Dragon and see. Since the Stiletto has more shields, the damage should appear as less taken off the shield bar.
Correct! Juni’s Defender is actually even easier, because it is already set up in shiparch.ini and uses the normal Defender cockpit.
Look up “nickname = li_elite2” and you’ll see her Defender. All you need to do is make a hull and ship package separately for it in goods.ini, then in market_ships.ini, sell that package at the base you want.
For example, add these to your goods.ini:
nickname = le2_hull
category = shiphull
ship = li_elite2
price = 10
ids_name = 237033
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\li_elite.3db[Good]
nickname = le2_package
category = ship
hull = le2_hull
addon = ge_le_engine_01, internal, 1
addon = li_elite_power01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_scanner_01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_tractor_01, internal, 1
addon = shield01_mark02_hf, HpShield01, 1
addon = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight01, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight02, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight03, 1
addon = SlowSmallBlue, HpRunningLight04, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail01, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail02, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02, 1Then, add this to the base you want to sell it at in market_goods.ini:
marketgood = le2_package, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
Technically, yes, you could just reuse those IDS to have the same stats. But that’ll mean the ship will also have the same name and description. If that’s not a problem though, go for it!
DLL editing is easy using something like FLDev, though.
1 - Load it up.
2 - In the Home tab, select the Freelancer.ini and resources.dll file using their Browse buttons.
3 - Click the DLL Editor tab. Select a DLL file in the DLLs List (in top-left) and click the Active checkbox just beneath it to see what’s in the selected DLL file.
4 - Search for whatever you need in the middle search bar and hit Enter or the Search button to perform the search.
5 - Click on the entry you want to change, change it in the text field, then click Update. They’re not yet applied, though.
6 - In the lower-middle you can see your changes and untick any you change your mind on before you Apply.
7 - Click Apply Changes when ready. You will get a warning that this is not reversible.Not that this is for editing of existing datacards, not making new ones. You can download the FLDev starter DLL files, which are blank DLLs for you to write new infocards to.
The Samurai and CSV_Junker are mods. You need to use FLMM to run those. You make a folder in FLMM’s mods folder for each and drop the XML file into them. Then, in FLMM, enable that mod.
The csv.ini file is the cockpit file used by the CSV_Junker mod. You can see that line in the XML file for it where the cockpit is defined. But, I’m not sure why the mod for the CSV is pointing to SHIPS\UTILITY\CSV\ as where you need to put the csv.ini. I’d think it better to make a new directory (e.g. DATA\COCKPITS\UTILITY\CSV), put the csv.ini in there and then change that line in the .xml file to point to it.
Why was the non-cockpit folder used, @Dromedary?
As for DLL editing, you can use something like FLDev (this is what I use). Inside InfoCards.dll you can then search for your ship name. The infocard entry after each ship has the stats.
For example, I looked up Hawk which shows as ID 066534. That’s the ship info and flavour text. On the next line I can see 066535 showing 4/0 3300 45 26/26 4 6 M, CM, CD which are all the equipment it supports. 066536 is the file with the labels for those, so it has Stats, Gun/Turrets Mounts, etc as text values.
If you’re adding them as copies to then have as ‘new’ ships, you’d need to make three infocard entries per the above - one for the flavour text, one for the stats, and one for the text next to each stat. In the files where you added the red Dragon earlier, note those IDS entries in the ini file. Those need to point to your new infocards.
@Kuze Very nice! The overall shape of the hull does remind me a little of an Amarr (EVE Online) ship, the Maller. If I was to critique anything it would be that the underside is quite rounded and, from the front, looks a little to me like a station.
The ring-type engine also reminds me of the rings on Goliath-class stations in Freelancer (Fort Bush). Would you be coding it as a package and including effects, or leave modification and game insertion to modders, and just supplying the mesh? Just wondering!
basic-meme wrote:
I would appreciate a more detailed, step-by-step walkthrough, if it is no huge trouble to you, thanks. This seems to be a fair bit more complicated a process than just editing ship dealers or editing story mode reputation changes.Did you give my tutorial explanation a go? Just interested to see if you got it working or not. Got Covid at the moment so haven’t been able to do much.
Not too much trouble at all. I’m a massive fan of helping the community grow. More than happy to create tutorials and videos. Just time poor in general, haha.
I wrote a small tutorial below for you ahead of the video. See if this works out.
1 - Go into EQUIPMENT/goods/ini.
2 - Add the following good to the file:[Good]
nickname = bd_hull
category = shiphull
ship = ku_dragon
price = 500
ids_name = 12006
item_icon = Equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\ku_elite.3dbThis lets us use the ship as a good item. Note the hull part in bold. This is pointing to the Blood Dragon version, which we can find by looking in DATA/SHIPS/KUSARI/KU_BLOOD_DRAGON. There’s a ku_dragon.cmp file which is the hull of the ship. But, that’s not enough. We want it to have things on it though and sell as a package.
3 - We now need to make a package that uses that hull good. Scroll down a bit more and add this:
nickname = bd_package
category = ship
hull = bd_hull
addon = ge_ke_engine_01, internal, 1
addon = ku_elite_power01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_scanner_01, internal, 1
addon = ge_s_tractor_01, internal, 1
addon = shield01_mark04_hf, HpShield01, 1
addon = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadlight, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight01, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight02, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight03, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight04, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight05, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight06, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight07, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight08, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight09, 1
addon = SlowSmallGreen, HpRunningLight10, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail01, 1
addon = contrail01, HpContrail02, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight01, 1
addon = DockingLightRedSmall, HpDockLight02, 1I just copied the ke_package since it is the Kusari Elite package, which is also a Dragon. Notice the part in bold which is setting our Blood Dragon hull to be used by this ship package.
4 - Add the package to a station/planet. I’m adding it to Manhattan, which is Li01_01_Base. Open EQUIPMENT/market_ships.ini. Look for the base you want to add it to, which for me is the above. Modify it to have the package you want to sell, which is our bd_package.
base = Li01_01_base
marketgood = gf2_package, 4, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
marketgood = lf_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
marketgood = bd_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 15 - Load the game fresh and test. You should see the red hull Dragon for sale.
Yeah, it’s a little harder than just making an already-flyable ship sold at a station, but not too much harder. Sure thing, I’ll make a video for you. My goal is to open up Freelancer modding to more people to help grow the scene further. Right now, there’s a core of us old-school players and modders from the old Lancers Reactor (TLR) days. Would be awesome for some new blood or even just more people from the good old days.
Looking for a specific soundtrack from a mod
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
It's been a long time… Who else is from TLR?
Do you want help me? I don't know how to (re)start.
Do you want help me? I don't know how to (re)start.
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
It's been a while
Modding in vanilla Stations of Glorious (dublin) and Ryuku (tohoku)
Modding in vanilla Stations of Glorious (dublin) and Ryuku (tohoku)
Is there a way to add new ships to the game (using the same model as existing ships)?
Is there a way to add new ships to the game (using the same model as existing ships)?
Is there a way to add new ships to the game (using the same model as existing ships)?
Is there a way to add new ships to the game (using the same model as existing ships)?
3D Model Showroom
Is there a way to add new ships to the game (using the same model as existing ships)?
3D Model Showroom
Is there a way to add new ships to the game (using the same model as existing ships)?
Is there a way to add new ships to the game (using the same model as existing ships)?
Is there a way to add new ships to the game (using the same model as existing ships)?