=Alex= wrote:
No, I haven’t, but I’m aware of how much work is involved and if I ever did, I would definitely allow it to spread out over any number of different servers. It’d be really nice to see people using my work after I had put so much effort into it.
For a part you are right.
But if there are for example 20 servers with two players on it, than your mod isn’t optimal spread out to. (sorry, hope you understand what i’m try to tell. Can’t explain it well in english
We prefer one server with 100 people, than 100 servers with 2 people.
There is only one difrence to. A few years ago the server from WTS closed because of all kind of troubles. I contact the owner/modder from our WTS World and ask him if i was allowed to put up WTS World again with his mod. He agree with it that moment. I step into blank because i totally had no clue of running it all. But i found our mod to good to let it die, also the wts community i try to keep up. I still have that opinion after so many years now.
F!R is our modder/owner and he agree that i’m running WTS World, but if he tells me tomorrow that i need to close the server, (for what reason) despite all the people i must disapont than, i close the server. Why? Because it’s his work, not mine.
If owners/modders decide that there must be only one server/mod running, than people must respect that. And than it’s the owner/modder his/her choise to let it die if he/she don’t want to spent time anymore to it. Regardless if it’s a pitty or not. But it’s his choise and he have the right to make it as you call “Elite”
If you wanna host a server than you could atleast contact the owner/modder of it, and ask if you are allowed to host it.
If you had make a mod and spent all the 100 of hours into it, and don’t mind that there will be 20 servers, than it’s fine, everybody respect that. Only you can’t stick a label on people who think difrent in that way.