Guys guys, settle down. Anyway I recognise that everyone wants proof or something to look at to really get excited about this and I admit we probably announced this a little early but we were excited about the project ourselves and that often means you want to tell others. Providing all goes well we should have a video and screenshots for you of our progress by the end of the week. Stay tuned.
Yeah I understand that will release some screenshots in the next few days. Would have been earlier but been in hospital over the weekend. Nothing serious just some muscle damage but means I haven’t been working on this last couple of days. Back to it now so you should see some screenshots either today or tomorrow.
Yeah I’m aware of that I read about your work. We will be looking at ways around that situation and to be honest with modern computers getting better all the time we can expect that time to be faster. We also are hoping to run the server from a dedicated server so that will obviously help.
I’ll have a word with Shanakar. May well be that we can use you Gisteron yes. I’ll let you know soon as I do.
Yeah as we go we will share the info with you. We aren’t gonna hide too much about what we are doing because ultimately we want to help revitalise this community so yeah we will share stuff with you as it happens.
Essentially we are pushing the boundaries of Freelancer. A new nav map will be needed as we are adding far more systems than you could imagine, they’ve all been planned out which took me quite a while. That’s so hopefully they will work well when they are released in terms of commodity trading etc. Lots of new factions too. New alien races, but essentially it will be well beyond what you would imagine in Freelancer. We have even managed to contact someone from the original development team of Freelancer to ask a few questions about the limits of it and believe me its exciting what we can actually do. If I tell you that the number of systems is larger than 3 figures that should give you an idea of the scale of this. Obviously it’s going to be a project that will develop as time goes on and we will allow you guys to test it as we are working on it but you get the picture.
They are professional modellers because they also do work for money but they are doing this for free. But I call them professional modellers because they are normally. Luckily we have contacts that enable us to use them in this project too. The forums are now up on the MAK-Corp board with a few bits of basic information. Will be posting screenshots of the first designed ship later on which is way into its development.
It’s basically a massive mod. Mak-Corp do make their own software but started out as a mod group and haven’t left that part of their development entirely. Sorry if I wasn’t clear on that. We are changing a lot of things within Freelancer but essentially using the same base game. Any further questions please feel free to ask. Testers will not be paid no but I don’t think mod teams generally do pay them unless I’m mistaken. We will be giving little bonuses to these testers on our server when the mod is finished though no doubt. The mod website is being developed at the moment and I will post that here when it is finished.
Hi guys, Xeltron245 here. I’m currently fronting a project called Freelancer Chronicles which has professional modellers working on it and various other members of staff. It’s been made by Mak-Corp, a company that is also developing its own software in the simulation racing field. We will be looking for testers to help out as we develop Freelancer Chronicles. The aim is to make this the largest mod out there. We are planning to redevelop much of the GUI in Freelancer also to give it a fresh look. Textures will also be redone. Basically its a complete revamp of the original game. The website for the company is here:
The public forum for this project should be up later this afternoon although work has already been ongoing in secret now for about 4 months. Anyone who is interested in this project, please let me know on either the forums at Mak-Corp once the FLC forum is up or PM me here, post here. Thanks.
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles
Testers Needed for Freelancer Chronicles