Lens flare
StarArch.ini (SOLAR), but never mind! After 15 minutes research I’ve discovered the truth
I post my knowledge here for you guys, maybe you will need it a day.
[lens_flare]First the general (global) options for this lens-flare effect:
nickname = nickname
shape = texture to use for lens-flare-particles
min_radius = if you look into the sun below this value, lens-flare disappears (fade, in degrees)
max_radius = almost the same as above, set to (about) 90 (degrees) and lens-flare disappears when sun is outside screenThe following entry is a lens-flare-particle, you can add more of this:
bead = 0.100000, 0.900000, 0.900000, 0.100000, 0.100000, 0.800000
The big load of numbers mean the following:
bead = distance from center (0->1), size (experiment with this, 0<), red (0->1), green (0->1), blue (0->1), alpha (0->1)