Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Oh well, since its public now, here you go for unlimited FL instances:
Replace the first char of the FreelancerClient string with a 0 (not a string-NULL, but a real NULL).
That will create a unique mutex for every FL instance. Also, you dont have to mess with remoteserver.dll that way.
May you can tell me what’s this mean, and what their do ?
Thanks for your help and reply.
Changing the first character of the string to 0x00 will make it so you can open an unlimited number of freelancer.exes, without having to make a copy of freelancer.exe with a modified FreelancerClient string.
The reason FL normally does not allow multiple instances is because a call to CreateMutex fails. CreateMutex has an optional argument for the name of the mutex, which is normally the FreelancerClient string. If you try to start a second instance of FL, CreateMutex is called with the same FreelancerClient string and fails because a mutex was already created with that name by the first instance. If you pass in a NULL name, then the mutex is created without a name, which solves the function call failing since it no longer checks if there is already a mutex with the same name.
The way I did it was to change the string used in CreateMutex in the copy of freelancer.exe so the copy would have a different mutex name. -
– Indexed w0dk4’s collision detection min check distance (increasing this will fix issues with the sur collisions on objects > 130k from center of system)04/28/09:
– Indexed M0tah’s chat-block offset (stops chat from being displayed, useful for filming) -
Added a critical hex value:
– 0.8f in server.dll, 0x???, 0x8AE78 = resale % for ships (server-side, must match variable above or 1.1 server dll will kick client for cheating) ~FriendlyFire
I changed resale value and was getting instant kick on everyone attempting to buy a new ship. Turns out this value had also to be changed ::)
Added an htm version of the offsets editing tutorial, with pictures displayed alongside the text; it may be found at
0x13DFAC common.dll (v1.0) - 1.74f - multiplier for fill_dist in CmnAsteroid::CAsteroidField::near_field calculation, increase this to make FL render asteroid fields from greater distances.
This is extremely useful for massive, high range (high fill_dist) asteroid fields.
btw.: The target bracket offset should not be used when you are having any asteroid field in your mod, since this offset is used in a lot of asteroid calculations and will mess them up!
I posted a workaround in the other thread, the best solution is to allocate a new float entry in free memory space and then reference that for the target brackets. -
Thanks, w0ddy
I’ve been wondering if there’s an offset like that.
Btw, took a quick look at 1.1 common.dll, and there’s only one offset with 1.74f - 0x13DFDC, so i guess that’s it
Now let’s see how my 8600gt will manage with those fields and with AA 8x forced ;D
Well, this is not for general visibility, but the “popping” effect on large fill_distances (asteroids dont fade in when you approach the field, they pop in).
This is also only a problem for super-large asteroid fields, so as long as you are not dealing with super large asteroid fields, it wont really make a difference
Hey neat. Flak’s fields are 100% dynamic fields, so I’ll see if this does anything for 'em. Either way, with static fields, I always thought it was strange that you didn’t start seeing actual asteroids until you pretty much entered the field - the 2D billboard rings look fine from a distance, but they’re damned ugly up close.
Hey neat. Flak’s fields are 100% dynamic fields, so I’ll see if this does anything for 'em. Either way, with static fields, I always thought it was strange that you didn’t start seeing actual asteroids until you pretty much entered the field - the 2D billboard rings look fine from a distance, but they’re damned ugly up close.
Exactly! Here’s why I needed that offset btw:
Do I notice video lag?
And looking at that vid reminds me how finding a way to fix the camera’s distance from the ship would be a marvellous thing…
Hey neat. Flak’s fields are 100% dynamic fields, so I’ll see if this does anything for 'em.
If its work, please let me know, thanks.