Conventional Modding
I’m trying to view my .ini files in freelancer and I can’t. How can I?
Many people use already decrypted SDK files from http://eoa.seriouszone.com/news.php
Or to read the encrypted ones put Bini Edit Freelancer into Google, first 2 hits have downloads. (Second is to above site)
Variant from FLAW modders:
1. Take from google bini_command_line_1_1.zip
2. Create ini_unpack.bat with content:
@echo off FOR /F %%i in ('dir %1*.ini /A:-D /B /S') do ini_unaction.bat %%i
2. Create ini_unaction.bat with content:
@echo off bini %1 move %1.txt %1
3. Run ini_unpack.bat <path to=“” freelancer=“”>
(\ - required!)Works fine for Win XP</path>
27 May 2009, 18:37
28 May 2009, 04:06