New Rhineland Republic (88Flak)
Name: NRR, NRPM, Neue Rheinland Republik, Neue Rheinland Platz Marine
Tag: [NRM] eg. [NRM]RAS.Blucher
Goal: Protection and Expansion of all Rheinland Territories.
Mod/Server: 88 Flak.
Language: EnglishRecruits wanted, any skill level, any flight type.
Cap ship pilots preferred.RP:
Rhineland stands poised to be pulled away by the winds of change.
After several successive weak corrupt regimes, a coup d’etat was called. Sebsequently fortunes have changed.
Dead weight has been cut. Bouyancy has been added.
Rhineland, a recent participant of the Phony Religious War, is finding itself without enough pilots to fill it’s new ships and roles. -
The NRR are also looking for a clan to share a seperate forum with.
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