Darkstat - Online first flstat remake
Darkstat is Flstat remake with web first usage, but usable locally too.
tool to navigate game data of Freelancer.Currently supports Vanilla, Discovery and FLSR. If your mod is not too much different from vanilla, it will work for it too.
Features making it different from old flstat:
- Web first as mentioned, but usable locally
- Missions search
- Trade/Ore/Travel routes search.
- Ammo/Shields/Thrusters/Tractors/Engines/Scanners search
- Tech compatibility info for Discovery
- Ship details show exact hp_type of equipment u can use to filter equipment for
- Pinning rows for easier comparison
- Filtering bar for multiple rows matching + search by infocard
- Light, Dark and Vanilla coloring themes
Example working
new release for fl-darkstat v1.64.3 - Sharing all the data through API ^_^
- Darkstat shares all data it posses in json format with swagger documentation for the api
- All endpoints where designed to share data in Bulk, as fast as possible, but with some reasonability to pulled data size
- Exposed every entity basically almost as darkstat has tabs for.
- the json API is cross language friendly format, but if you utilize Golang, there is extra option of hooking yourself to RPC way to Pull data in addition (this one has sort of always correct client library avaiable to just import code)
- The json API and RPC are both available through http/https. Plus you can always run darkstat locally, in this case you can get 3 times performance boost to pull data by using Unix Sockets if it is running on Linux! (sun)
Example of API for disco
The API is working only when Darkstat is running in Docker or Static binary way at server.(So not supported for darkstat method of running to compile pages to html/css/js files for deployment to Github pages for example)